Congregation established 1836
Newsletter of the First Unitarian Church
Alton, Illinois
Pastor Amy Brooks
Office phone
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. - August 2020 Theme: “Spiritual Practice”
Worship Services will be available on YouTube premiering at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday.
Live Zoom “Coffee Hour” follows at 10:45 a.m. (See below about how to access Zoom.)
Click HERE for PRINTABLE PDF version
August 2nd “Creative Spirit” – A Faith Rocket service Presented by: Joy Hoeft
August 9th Presented by: John Herndon Worship Associate: Peg Flach
August 16th Presented by: Robyn Berkley
August 23rd Presented by: Tracey Howe-Koch |
August 30th Presented by: Robyn Berkley Worship Associate: Jerry Johnson
If people need help with doing their worship service videos for YouTube please get in touch with Alex J. Hoeft He would like to have the videos at least by the Friday before your service.
Every Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Contact Robyn Berkley for zoom login information. |
Pastor Amy Brooks Resigns
Board President Robyn Berkley announced this week that Pastor Amy Brooks has decided to not renew her contract with our church. Pastor Amy started at First Unitarian in August 2017 and served through June 2020. She will now be serving as part-time Assistant Minister at the UU Church in Springfield IL.
We thank her for her service to our church and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
Please note that UUA guidelines indicate that there should be no contact between a departing minister and members of the congregation for two years.
Worship Service Plans
Given we do not have a minister at present, the Worship Associates will continue to prepare and provide our services. Look for messages from the Worship Associates about ways you can be more engaged with our Sunday services.
Worship services are already scheduled through October with Speakers and Worship Associates. The group will meet again in the early fall to plan services for the next quarter. Eric Johnson (M. Div. and UU Chaplain) will be helping to coordinate Sunday services. These services will be “virtual” until further notice.
If you would like to serve as a Worship Associate this year, or if you would like to give a sermon, please contact Eric.
Our condolences go out to Michael and Sheila on the passing of Michael Tarabulski’s mother, Catherine Ann Phillips Tarabulski Van Skiver, on July 21, 2020 in Cowan, West Virginia.
Looking Ahead to Next Month Our In Gathering is coming soon on September 6th! Because we don't know if we will be able to meet in person because of Covid 19 we are creating a meaningful and inclusive service that will bring us together no matter where we are! Each member and family of church both past and present is going to be invited to participate and join us for this very special In Gathering Service! BUT THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE AND THE CHURCH BOARD NEED YOUR HELP! We are going to be contacting a lot of people and ask that you help us contact past members or even folks who have come to a service before but haven't been back lately. WE WANT TO INVITE THEM TO THIS SERVICE. This is the time when we need our Liberal Faith in this world the most! Not only do we want to invite them. We are hoping that all who attend will actually participate in the service. BUT HOW?, you ask! We would like for folks to take a 3-5 second video or a still picture of lighting a Chalice, a candle, or a tealight in their home. These videos will be compiled into a video with their names beside it. You're going to get to see all the people who care about and love our church KEEPING THE FLAME OF OUR FAITH ALIVE where they are! But there's a lot of folks to invite and ask to participate, and also those who need assistance in participating. More information will come later, but if you'd like to help invite or have questions please contact Eric Johnson. |
Congregational Zoom Meeting Update
On Sunday, July 26, 2020 a congregational meeting, called for by five or more members (as per the bylaws), was held at 10:45 a.m. via Zoom. The purpose of this meeting was to elect a new Board of Officers.
It was announced that there was a quorum present on zoom and the slate of officers as presented was approved, with one abstention vote mailed in.
Later in the day, following the congregational meeting, a conflict of interest was identified, and as a result, the seven newly elected Board members voted by email on July 27 through July 28, their approval to appoint Nathan Brown as Treasurer and Carol McGrew as a Member at Large. This action was in keeping with Article VI, Section 2 of the Bylaws.
The Board members chosen for 2020-2021 are: President: Robyn Berkley Secretary: Mary Johnson Treasurer: Nathan Brown Member at Large: Aiden Crist Member at Large: Alex Hoeft Member at Large: Carol McGrew Member at Large: Pat Moore
4th Saturday Distribution
Due to ongoing safety concerns about safe distancing and mask wearing we will not have a personal care distribution in August.
However, in July we supported the efforts of First Presbyterian at one of their Saturday carry out lunches. There we distributed 20 of the “Dollar Tree” $10 gift cards we had purchased at the end of June. We may do something like that again this month to provide assistance to those in need.
A Note from Sabrina Trupia There is a new project at first St. Louis that I have signed up for (and will be involved in as an intern) which promises to be very interesting and useful. It’s called the ARREST Project and it is part book club, part film club, with weekly discussions. It is entirely free. For more info or to sign up go to here:
ARREST Project:
Anti Racism Religious Education
A 6 month film and discussion project created by members Cory Lovell and Cathy Rauch.
This series will help us as an entire congregation to engage in our own transformative community activism and foster a culture of solidarity and accountability based on a common historical foundation. Participants in this comprehensive class will explore history through the thoughts and experiences of the people who themselves moved our nation.
The Men’s Lunch group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 13th via Zoom. If you’re not already on the Men’s Lunch email list contact Nick Pendergrass for the Zoom meeting ID. |
Get Well Wishes go out to Jim Moore who had complications soon after a successful valve replacement surgery and has been in and out of the hospital and in and out of rehab for the last several weeks.
CHURCH LEADERSHIP as of August 2020 2020 - 2021 Board Members President: Robyn Berkley Secretary: Mary Johnson /span> Treasurer: Nathan Brown Member at Large: Aiden Crist Member at Large: Alex Hoeft Member at Large: Carol McGrew Member at Large: Pat Moore President Elect: To be Determined Youth Representatives: To be Determined
Building & Grounds Co-Chair - Tom Cochran Co-Chair - Michael Tarabulski Grounds - TBD
Endowment Fund Jerry Johnson Tracey Howe-Koch
Fund Raising Co-Chair - Peg Flach Co-Chair - TBD
Membership Co-Chair - Mary Weber Co-Chair - TBD
Newsletter Mary Johnson
Pastoral Care Associates Dee Evans Ruth Maskow Pat Murrell Sandy Shaner Mary Weber |
Pledge Drive TBD
RE Council Joy Hoeft Jennifer Lewis Kayci Combs-Lueker
Social Events Coordinator Co-Chair - Pat Moore Co-Chair – TBD
Social Justice Co-Chair - John Herndon Co-Chair - Ed Navarre
Social Media Nathan Brown Alex Hoeft
Sunday Support Services Paula Moore Carol McGrew
Worship Associates Robyn Berkley Peg Flach John Herndon Joy Hoeft Tracey Howe-Koch Eric Johnson Jerry Johnson
A Zoom-Time Affirmation Prayer
However we meet, we are held in Love and find communion with each other. No walls confine us.
May our faith be strengthened, and may our practice of loving kindness enrich all lives.
Mary Johnson
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