Congregation established 1836


Newsletter of the





Alton, Illinois


Pastor Amy Brooks

Office phone   618-462-2462




Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m.

December 2019 Theme:   “Signs and Wonders”



Click HERE for PRINTABLE PDF version



December 1st - 10:00 a.m.

Presented by:   Robyn Berkley

Worship Associate:   Michael Tarabulski


              Potluck Lunch

              Decorating the church for the Holidays


December 8th - 10:00 a.m. - Pastor Amy Brooks

Sermon:   “Assigned a Sign”

During the Time for All, people will be invited to answer “When have you been blessed by accepting an unconventional gift?”

Worship Associate:   Robert Kokenyesi


              Congregational Conversation III


December 15th - 10:00 a.m. - Pastor Amy Brooks

Sermon:   “Big Little Signs

During the Time for All, people will be invited to answer “Can you share an example of something ‘ordinary’ that you think is wonderful?”

Worship Associate:   Jerry Johnson


              RE for children/youth


December 22nd - 10 a.m.

Presented by:   Michael Tarabulski

Worship Associate:   Peg Flach


December 24th – 7:00 p.m.

Pastor Amy Brooks

Worship Associate:   Jerry Johnson



December 29th – 10:00 a.m.

Burning Bowl Ceremony

Presented by:  The Worship Associates


Next Newsletter Deadline:   December 20, 2019

Send articles directly to Mary Johnson Letter from Lee


Dear Congregation,


              On November 17th we had our second Town Hall meeting.   The focus of that meeting was to present financial answers to questions that were generated from the first meeting.   Charts were presented that covered pledging, where congregation members live, budget information from 2016-2019, endowment and the draws that have been taken, and an average cost of two years of set expenses.

              From our research we presented the importance of having members understand our fiscal status and how it’s used.   Quoting from UUA on “Why it is important to talk about money?” the UUA helps us to remember that “money is connected to our needs, and is used to pay for goods and services, it’s an expression of power, values, and money is a tool that is needed to accomplish our Mission and Vision.”   As the congregation understands our costs it helps us to make sound decisions for our future.

              As President of the Board, my agenda is to help us understand how we are spending our money and how we are using it to accomplish our Mission and Vision.  Understanding our money is a tool to advance and guide us.   But there are questions that still need to be answered by the congregation like:   How do we grow community?   Do we stay in Alton? Can we replicate programs outside of Alton? Do we stay or do we relocate? Are we a Building or Congregation?

              After the figures were presented, we broke up into two Groups.   Each Group had members that represented two frames of thought, those that want to Remain in our current building and others who want us to relocate.   These two Groups selected leaders, and found out when, how, and where they will meet again to find answers to questions like resolving accessibility or finding a new location.   Each Group will present to the congregation convincing facts and findings at the December 8th Town Hall meeting.   This process represents our 5th principle - a democratic process within our congregation.   It is the Power of WE.

              I want to thank the 34 individuals that participated in our second Town Hall meeting discussing our future direction.   Hope to see you at our next town hall meeting Dec. 8th.

Lee Suarez , Board President

Upcoming Events for 2019


Image result for deck the halls clipart

Sunday Dec. 1st

Regular potluck and annual “Deck the Halls” together.   Let’s decorate for the holidays.

Anna Ds Lunch Gathering – Winter Schedule
(Dec./Jan./Feb.) – 1st Thursday of each month at Best Buffet


Thursday, December 5th - 11:30 a.m.


We’ll be at the Best (Chinese) Buffet in Wood River on the hill across from Wood River Wal-Mart because the Buffet is always open and they won't miss us if weather prevents our group's meeting.   The formal address is 615 Wesley Drive and the phone number is 618-258-1888. If the weather is good, please come and join us.   If the weather turns sour or is predicted to do so, stay safe and warm at home.  RSVP to Sandy Shaner

Men’s Monthly Lunch

December 12th

@ 11:30 a.m.


The men’s Lunch Bunch meets on the second Thursday of each month.   Join us at the Best Buffet, 615 Wesley Dr. in Wood River.   All men in our church are invited.   For further information contact Paul Hebert.



Saturday Dec 21st

You’re Invited to a

Holiday Open House

at the home of Lee & Char

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

116 Crystal Gate Lane

Glen Carbon, IL



4th Saturday Personal Care Distribution – Dec. 28th


As you are shopping this month, please pick up an extra package of toilet paper, or diapers, or a bottle or two of laundry detergent, or body wash or other products for personal care.   Our guests who come by will be very thankful.

Pastor Amy’s Corner


He drove out the human.  To the east of the garden of Eden, he stationed winged creatures wielding flaming swords to guard the way to the tree of life.

(Genesis 3:24, CEB)


Reflections from the Garden


Peace must be penned.


Who’s to say what might happen

if the Vandals and Visigoths -

who populate this raw earth -

were permitted to enter here,

to wander freely,

to roam at will?


Is this tranquility so fragile

that it would erode entirely,

should our rough hands and clumsy feet

stray beyond the rope?

Would our coarse tongues flay the air,

leaving calm in shreds –

eviscerated by our profane presence?


Is this fence built FOR us?

Are the guides assigned…

for our protection?


Peace must be penned.

For if it were permitted to run wild

beyond the boundaries caging in

the dangers of this place,

the power of its presence would be



Amy G. S. A. Brooks, October 18th, 2019

Japanese Friendship Garden –

Phoenix, Arizona

Anna Ds Sponsored Fall Fund Raisers

and Social Events


On October 27th we helped the Edwardsville Moose folks with their bi-monthly chicken dinner.  Our regular 10:00 a.m. worship service, led by Pastor Amy and attended by church members and several visitors, happened right there under the iconic moose head.  A tidy profit of $320 was raised via the chicken dinner and bake sale. – Peg Flach



In celebration of the Anna D. Sparks Women’s Alliance 121st year anniversary, a Tea was held on November 9th, reminiscent of such events held by the Anna Ds for decades.


We welcomed 30 + congregants and friends to the Wuerker Room for Tea.  Both harp and piano music were enjoyed, as well as a lovely lunch and information shared about tea traditions, Joan Hashimi’s teapots, and the Anna Ds.  Functioning both as a fundraiser and social event, a profit of $810 was raised for the church via the luncheon and teapot silent auction.


Bountiful thanks to the many volunteers who worked to make these two events a success!  - Peg Flach





The Anna Ds give a BIG THANK YOU to Peg Flach for her efforts in arranging for our participation in the Moose Lodge chicken dinner, and for all her work in planning, coordinating and organizing down to the last detail, the November Tea. Summary of the Church Board Meeting of

November 14th, 2019


           On November 14th, the Board again had a very focused meeting.   While our main priority was preparing for the all-Church meeting on November 17th and reviewing all the data collected, we also spent time on several other topics.

              With the official resignation of our Office Administrator, we discussed various tasks that still need to be done, how to divide them and who could perform each.   Clearly such a broad topic wasn’t concluded and will be addressed again soon.

              We also had an extensive discussion of the work that Aiden, Jennifer and Ben have been doing on our safety plan.   They began with a plan originally drafted by Rev. Sunshine and are incorporating suggestions from the Marquette High School administrators and their own work experiences.   Ben has prepared diagrams of the Sanctuary and Wuerker Room (and will add other building rooms) to indicate fire extinguishers and will eventually add escape routes.   There’s still a lot to do, but they have created a comprehensive map for us to follow in developing and training on the Plan.

              In December we are shifting the Board meeting date and time to Wednesday, 12/11 at 6 p.m. and, as always, will welcome all visitors.

Sandy Shaner, Secretary



News about the Extension Groups


The Glen Carbon / Edwardsville Group (Glen/Ed) and the North County Group are no longer meeting.



Recipe from the Anna D. Sparks Alliance Cookbook

The Anna D. Sparks Women’s Alliance produced two cookbooks as fundraisers – one in 1946 and the other in 1963.   The following recipe is from the section submitted by men in the church.

Risotto (Rice) by Ralph Cook

1¼ cups rice - ¼ Tb. butter - 1 can condensed beef bouillon – 1 can condensed onion soup – 1 can drained, mushroom pieces.


Add everything to a casserole, cover, and bake for about 1:20 in the oven at 325 degrees, stirring a couple times.   The dish is done when all the excess moisture has been absorbed, leaving the rice a glistening golden brown. Providing Holiday Cheer for a Family

at the Oasis Women’s Center


Once again we have the opportunity to be Santa’s Helpers for a mother and her children living at Oasis.   Your support will help them in a real and meaningful way this Christmas.


The mother and the three children have made lists of what they would like most for Christmas, plus clothing sizes.


The instructions from Oasis say that no gift should be over $30.   However some of the items on the lists are, in some cases, way over that amount.   If you want to give a more expensive gift perhaps several people could go in on the purchase, or buy a less expensive “generic” item similar to the name brands asked for.

The lists are on a display board at church (and given below).   Decide what you are going to give and write your name next to the item on the posted list at church.   The gifts should be wrapped with a tag on each gift with the recipient’s name and Christmas number.

Gifts must be brought to church by Sunday, Dec. 14th as they need to be delivered to the Oasis Santa House by December 20th.

Cassie:   Mother.   (RRRR-1)   1. Pioneer Woman Instant Pot.

2. Nice Tupperware.   3. Baking pans (cake, cupcake, angel food).   Clothing:   Favorite color pink sparkle; shirt LG/XLG; skirt/pants 15; dress XL; shoes 9-9.5


Shawn:   10 year old boy.   (RRRR-2) 1. WWE Wreckin’ Performance Center Play Set; 2. WWE toys; 3 A size 18 (kids size) Jersey either with Golden State Warriors or St. Louis Cardinals or St Louis Blues.   Clothing:   Favorite color is blue.   Shirt size 18 (kids); pants waist 20 (kids); shoes 6.5-7.


Saber:   7 year old boy.   (RRRR-3) 1. Film for Instax camera; 2. Pixie Belle by Wowwee; 3 Fuji film Instax Mini camera.   Clothing:   Favorite color is green.   Shirt size 7/8; pants waist 7/8; shoes 1.


Hallee:   6 year old girl. (RRRR-4) 1. A baby bed for a baby doll; 2. Musical mobile for a bitty baby; 3. Hair style essential set.   [These are all American Girl products, but probably less expensive similar items are available.]   Clothing:   Favorite color is purple.   Shirt size 7/8;pants/skirt 8; dress 8; shoes 1.

CHURCH LEADERSHIP as of December 2019

2019 - 2020

Board Members

Lee Suarez - President

Char McAllister - President-Elect

                           - Past President

Sandy Shaner - Secretary

Phil Embree - Treasurer

Aiden Crist - Member at Large

Jennifer Lewis - Member at Large

Isabella Navarre & Ben Hoeft - Youth Representatives

Building & Grounds

Co-Chair - Tom Cochran

Co-Chair - Michael Tarabulski

Grounds - Char McAllister

Endowment Fund

Jerry Johnson

Tracey Howe-Koch

Fund Raising

Co-Chair - Peg Flach

Co-Chair - vacant


Co-Chair - Mary Weber

Co-Chair - vacant


Mary Johnson

Pastoral Care Associates

Rev. Amy Brooks

Dee Evans

Ruth Maskow

Pat Murrell

Sandy Shaner

Mary Weber

Pledge Drive

Char McAllister

RE Council

Joy Hoeft

Jennifer Lewis

Kayci Combs-Lueker

Social Events Coordinator

Co-Chair - Pat Moore

Co-Chair - vacant

Social Justice

Co-Chair - John Herndon

Co-Chair - Ed Navarre

Social Media

Nathan Brown

Alex Hoeft

Sunday Support Services

Paula Moore

Carol McGrew

Worship Associates

Chair – Amy Brooks

Robyn Berkley

Peg Flach >

John Herndon

Joy Hoeft

Tracey Howe-Koch

Jerry Johnson

Robert Kokenyesi

Michael Tarabulski

4th Saturday Distribution Program]

Mary Johnson

Sabrina Trupia

Carol McGrew

Robyn Berkley

Social activities committee: Pat Moore, Robyn Berkley, Peg Flach, Jennifer Lewis, Kayci Combs-Lueker, Mary Lu McManus, Sabrina Trupia, Carol McGrew.


If you have questions, concerns, or helpful ideas regarding any of the church activity areas given above, please get in touch with one of the people listed in your area of interest.



Who Was Anna D?

Our Anna D. Sparks Women’s Alliance, organized in 1898, is the oldest continuous woman’s group in Alton.   It was named after Anna Davenport Chapman Sparks, a woman of indomitable spirit, who died suddenly in 1896 at the age of 66.


Anna Chapman married David Sparks when she was 19, and over the years they raised 6 children.   Anna was known for her generosity and community service.   She took food to the men in the Confederate prison in Alton during the Civil War.   She opened her home to the wives and mothers of the Alton Union troops serving under her husband’s command, and helped their families however she could.  She held leadership roles in several community organizations, including the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the Women’s Council.   Her great-great-granddaughter has said that Anna’s sense of what was right, and her willingness to do something about wrongs, was a key cultural message passed down in their family, especially to the women.   If there were a need, Anna found a way for it to be met.   In 1878 after the church had been without a minister for three years, and was on the brink of closing, the women of the church demanded that the church leaders (all male) take action and call a minister.  When that minister arrived, Anna stepped up to be church treasurer – a positon not usually held by a woman in those times.   She held this position for at least 8 years, and by 1886 the church was reported “financially out of debt and in a prosperous condition.”


Our Archival minutes of the Anna Ds’ meetings and activities from 1903 through 1999 give historical insights into the important activist and fundraising roles of our church women throughout the 20thcentury.

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