Congregation established 1836 |
Sunday Worship 10:00 A.M
The Theme for June, 2018 is “Beauty”
June 3rd 10 A.M Scott Aaseng UU Advocacy Network of IL Worship Associate: Dee Evans June 10th 10 A.M Super Hero Sunday Pastor Amy Brooks Worship Associate: Joy Hoeft Annual Congregational Meeting June 17th 10 A.M Father's Day Service Zipporah Lee Worship Associate: Ruth Maskow June 24th 10 A.M. Pride Service Zipporah Lee Worship Associate: Robin Crane |
The Seekers
Most Sundays, 11:15 in the Emerson Room, We’ll engage in a more in-depth discussion of that day’s sermon and the monthly topic. Everyone is welcome to join in. It’s a great way to get to know your fellow congregants and to get a deeper understanding of the lessons we are learning. We will meet each Sunday except when the “Common Read” group is meeting – which will be announced.
Common Read Group – “Centering- Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry” Some Sundays, TBA, 11:15
A "common read" is a book that a panel of members and clergy from our denomination, Unitarian Universalism, has chosen for congregations to read together and discuss. Our church has decided to read and discuss together this book on a topic very important to our faith and our country.
The group will meet once or twice a month, following service on Sunday. Watch for announcements in “Church This Week” and future newsletters.
Pastor Amy’s Corner Let’s Get UnrUly
‘Hell was invented to scare to death the unruly human mind and bring it to obedience.’
The bell rings, releasing scores of students from their desks. The endless days of summer stretch out ahead with all the associated images – sticky ice-cream faces, catching fire-flies at dusk, picnics and fireworks and sunburn. At least… these are the things that some of us associate with this season. Even we grown-ups, whose jobs are not limited to the constraints of the school term, sense a feeling of freedom as the daylight hours grow longer. We are sensing this especially at First Unitarian. This summer we plan to lean in to that feeling of summer freedom with a series of unconventional Sunday mornings, running from June 17th to August 5th. We plan to get UnrUly. What does this mean? It means worship freed from the ‘regular’ order of service, with unconventional learning, games, songs, conversations, food, and fun. It means worshipping as a whole community, without segregating ourselves according to age. It means trying something different each week. It means embracing our unruly human minds in a truly UU way. So, this summer, you are invited to UnrUly. It won’t necessarily be orderly or tidy, but it will be a hell of a lot of fun.
Newsletter Deadline is on the 15th of each month.
Nursery Care All children, 5 years of age and under, are welcome to our staffed nursery during Sunday Services |
June 10th is Superhero Sunday!
What is Superhero Sunday? It is a day to celebrate the many people who make First Unitarian the wonderful, welcoming, and caring community that it is. We value you, and we want to thank you. YOU ARE INVITED to come dressed in your best Superhero costume. YOU ARE INVITED to join us for a potluck. YOU ARE ALSO INVITED to stay after church for our important Annual Meeting – and it doesn’t get much more super than that!
Sunday, June 10, for Superhero Sunday.
Practice will be Thursday, June 7. Show up for practice(s) and let's make a joyful noise!
Summary of Board Meetings from March, April, and May: We have submitted our application to the government to apply for 501C3 status, which will help us in soliciting corporate donations for our Saturday personal products program for and applying for grants. Our application has been acknowledged, and we will need to wait for either approval or an explanation of what we could change if we want to try again. Sheila O’Brien has worked on some advertising for us. Part of her plan is the sign advertising our non-discrimination policy for performing weddings. As Building and Grounds chair, Phil Embree has been quite busy. He got some masonry repairs done on the roof and will be looking for bidders on some additional roof masonry. Blinds for Amy’s office are being ordered, which will shade her from the hot summer sun. Phil mowed our lawn once, but now we are seeking to hire a permanent lawn person. Hopefully by the time you read this, the city will realize that the park area is now their responsibility to mow. We also need some volunteers to do weeding, pruning, etc. throughout the growing season. (Speak to Phil.) Some of the tile in the boys’ restroom has come up and will need replacement. Many of our toilets are not flushing properly and may need replacement soon. Our beautiful old building is in constant need of your TLC. Chris Strangeman has agreed to run for President of the Congregation for next year and has been appointed by the Board to serve as Vice President until July. Sandy Shaner will run as Secretary replacing Pat Moore, whose three-year term is up. Also leaving the Board after a three-year term is Dee Evans, who served as last year’s president. We have not found anyone who is willing to accept a three-year term to become our next president. We need someone who is willing to step forward and serve in leadership of this beloved community. Voting will be at the June 10 Congregational Meeting. If you can’t serve as president perhaps you would be willing to serve as a committee chair. There are several vacancies. (Speak to Michael Schmidt.) Pastor Amy Brooks reported that she has been accepted for “Aspirant” status with the UUA. Which is her first step in becoming a fully qualified UU minister. To reach the next level she needs to take a class at Meadville Seminary, do a hospital chaplaincy, and complete her ministry degree. She is completing her degree now, and there will be a graduation party for her after church on June 17, with all invited. |
She has been working a new “building use” policy. Several people have been helped with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund,” and donations are always welcome. Amy and RE Director Zippy have been working on exciting plans for some different types of services for the summer which would involve adults and children together. Since Becky Green is retiring, we are seeking applicants for the position of Office Administrator. If you know of any qualified person who might be interested in a part-time job with benefits, please refer them to Pastor Amy. She has prepared ads to be placed around the area and has prepared a list of the responsibilities of the job. Treasurer Robin Crane has been providing the Board with detailed reports of where we stand financially. Pledges have been paid on a timely basis, with only a few members still owing. Our spending has been lower than budgeted, so we probably will not need to take as much from our reserves as the congregation had approved last year. At the June 10 Congregational Meeting you will get a detailed report and a planned budget for next year. You will need to consider a way in which we can increase the time for ministry. Pastor Amy is already working on plans for new programs which might help increase membership, but she will need more hours to carry out her plans. Past President Dee Evans reported on finding a grant for accessibility that we could apply for if we get our 501C3 status approval. She and others attended a UUA workshop on voter registration, and some members have agreed to take training and become registrars. She has selected a design for a church T-shirt, which members could wear to identify us when we are doing social outreach projects. The Board selected a light blue color for the shirts, which should be available soon. We have received several requests from groups who want to conduct tours of our “haunted” church. Of course, we already have one tour director who has been using our church for many years. Michael Schmidt has worked with Old Bakery Brewery on a series of “Haunted Beer Tasting Tours,” which will be conducted only four times and will pay us $2 per person for about 40 people each time. The Board has approved these tours since they have their own insurance and will not interfere with other programs. The Board has agreed to continue employing our RE Director for next year, but we will grant her regular employee status instead of independent contractor status, which means we will be paying her FICA tax, as required by law. Her contract is for four Sundays per month, so on any fifth Sundays there will be no RE unless there are two teachers for each class. Please help Zippy and our children by volunteering to work with our children. Submitted by Pat Moore, Secretary of the Board |
Building an RE Community I invite you over the next month or so to imagine what you think you're capable of passing on to our young persons and how best to demonstrate that ability. In doing that, I invite you to be in conversation with me as well, either in person, by phone, or by email. My contact information is in each "Church This Week" and can also be found here: Zipporah Lee, (419) 961-3164 (cell), (email). Thank you all for walking this journey of curiosity and awe with me. Zippy
General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates. The 2018 General Assembly will be June 20-24 in Kansas City, Missouri. Most General Assembly events will be held in the Kansas City Convention Center. GA Theme: "All Are Called"Grounded in a deep belief that we are all prophets, Unitarian Universalists ask, “How can we faithfully meet the demands of our time?” The call to witness and act for justice in our society and in the world is clear. So, too, is the call to examine our structures and practices, dismantling and transforming those which fail to recognize the full humanity of all people and to honor the interdependent web of life. Join us in Kansas City as we dive deeply into questions of mission for our Unitarian Universalist Association, for our congregations and communities, and for each of us as individuals. |
4th Saturday, June 23rd
Please remember your less fortunate neighbors and help us keep this important service going. Your purchased items or financial support helps struggling families make ends meet. We serve thirty to sixty people each month, plus their families. A list of specific items needed is published in the “Church This Week email notice and a list will be available at church and on UU Friends, but items always in demand: Toilet paper, laundry detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, hand lotion, shaving cream. Other items needed are paper towels, counter wipes, dish detergent. Checks may be made out to the First Unitarian Church with 4th Saturday Distribution noted on the memo line. The Team thanks everyone for their ongoing support.
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Decatur
…is seeking up to full-time ministerial leadership for the coming church year. UUFD is a 50-member “Welcoming Congregation” which is also a certified “Green Sanctuary.” Founded in 1953, we moved into our current facility in 1983 and maintain a well-managed endowment. We are looking for a great communicator to provide inspirational Sunday morning programs, lead in our efforts to increase our membership and become fully engaged in the life of our Fellowship. We seek an interim or contractual Unitarian Universalist minister for a term of at least two years with salary and benefits [total compensation package] of about $65,000 per year starting as early as August 2018. For more information please contact Pat Rossiter, [217 433-5198] or Mark Sorensen, [217 330-6614]. and Face Book UUFellowshipDecatur/
Wash, Dry and Put Away! We count on each other to be thoughtful and fair in all our interactions – that also includes seeing to it that our church home is keep clean and dishes washed up and put away. If you enjoy a cup of coffee, a plate of snacks, or a full meal, please take your turn to help with cleaning-up. |
Watch the Fireworks from the Church Lawn July 3 Peg Flach will be coordinating our traditional hot dog / lemonade booth this year. Volunteers needed … info will be forthcoming via Facebook and weekly church emails. All donations of soda, hot dogs and cookies welcome! See Peg Flach for more details. Please consider bringing a chair or blanket and joining us for Alton's Firework display. Fireworks usually begin around 9 pm, but come early and enjoy the summer evening with friends.
Anna Ds – Women’s Alliance June 7th 11:30 a.m. We'll be at United Methodist Village on 6/7, hosted by Lorli and we'll be eating in dedicated tables in the dining room (the small room we usually use is booked) at 11:30. This means eating from the regular menu and it will cost $8.75 apiece. I know this is a late notice, but I'd really appreciate knowing how many are planning to attend. This e-mail address is the best way to reach me, although my home phone has a recorder which I check.
Men’s Monthly Lunch June 14th 11:30 a.m.
The men’s lunch bunch (Retired old Men Eating Out) meets on the second Thursday of each month. Join us at the Best Buffet at 615 Wesley Dr. in Wood River. All men in our church are invited (retired or working, old, or not). For further information contact Paul Herbert. |
Board of Trustees
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