Windows on west side of sanctuary.


Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister



October 2012

Worship Services at 9:30 am and 11:00 am


October 7, 2012

"Beyond iChurch"

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Honoring the individuality of all who come to us is one of the strengths of our way of doing church.  This strength becomes a weakness if we slide into individualism and begin to exalt the individual at the expense of the Beloved Community we’re trying to build together.



October 14, 2012 – Opportunity Fair

"A Parable of the Talents"

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Each of us brings a certain amount of time, talent, and treasure to our communal life.  In our life together, it matters less what you bring or when you show up than the fact that you do show up and that you do give of yourself.


Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567


October 21, 2012

"Children and the UU Faith:  Guiding our Children Through the 7 Principles...

and Then What??!!"

Robyn Berkley


In the Fall UUA Magazine, the Rev. Thandeka discussed concerns that our faith tradition loses many children as they grow into adulthood.  Some return to the UU faith, some do not.  Is this a concern, or is this exactly what we have taught them to do?  We will explore the role of children in our faith tradition, in our role as parents and spiritual guides, as well as the role of the entire faith community.



October 28, 2012

"Tying the Knot"

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Many people believe that Samhain is a time when magic is strong.  If by ‘magic’ we mean ‘focused intent,’ then today we’ll do something magical and let go of all the baggage from the past year that we no longer need to lug around with us.

Adult Religious Education (ARE)

Sessions at 9:30 am and 11 am

Childcare Available


At 9:30 am


October 7 – Tracey Howe-Koch – The Bible.

All are invited to participate in this dynamic study group!  This month we will discuss the Creation story, Genesis 1-3.  How does this story, if at all, compliment your view of the “beginning?”  Is there a place for it in evolutionary theory?  Let’s discuss! No prior Bible experience necessary.  November’s topic: Jonah! Questions, please contact Tracey Howe-Koch at


October 14 – Dr. Ron Glossop – American Philosophy. Our second session on "American Philosophy" will focus on the 19th century Transcendentalist views of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.  Transcendentalism was part of the romanticist rejection of both traditional Bible-based Christianity and empirical scientific objectivity.  We should rely on intuition, experiences in nature, and our own moral conscience. 


October 21 – Eric Johnson – Theology Funshop.  Learn about concepts in Theology in a fun and exciting way, by interactive discussion.  Do you want to learn about Unitarian Universalist theology?  Here's your chance.


October 28 – Michelle Bryant BarbeauTo be announced.



At 11:00 am


September 9 through October 7Spiral Blanton

– Exploring our Connection and Relationship with the Environment.  We’ll be looking at how we affirm and promote the 7th Principle of UU congregations, “Respect for the interdependent web of which we are a part.”  The class will include writing, meditation, observation, and discussion.


October 14 through October 28 – Cheryle Tucker-Loewe – Spirit of Life.  Spirit of Life classes seek to bring meaning, beauty, inclusivity, and growth to Unitarian Universalist adults as they deepen their spiritual awareness and connections.

    A First Glance

Have you ever tried to tell someone about our church or about Unitarian Universalism and found yourself stumbling over how to say what you find compelling or useful about who it is we are and what it is we do together?


If so, you’re not alone.


Several years ago, then-president of the Unitarian Universalist Association Bill Sinkford asked UUs to develop a personal ‘elevator speech’ for themselves:  a way to tell another person about our church traditions in the time it takes to go from one floor to another on an elevator.  It was a good way to get us to think about how to share what’s important to us.  At the very least, it must have provoked more than a few interesting conversations on elevators across the land.


Now here’s a chance to take that concept one step further.  The September 2012 issue of The Christian Century magazine includes an article by editor David Heim entitled “The Gospel in Seven Words,” in which Heim reports the responses he received to a request to articulate the Christian message in its simplest form.  Remembering the context of this article, here are a few of my favorite attempts at such a simplification:

“We are who God says we are.”  (Nadia Bolz-Weber)

“God refuses to be God without us.”  (William Willimon)

“God, through Jesus Christ, welcomes you anyhow.”  (Martin Marty)

“God is love: This is no joke.”  (Kathleen Norris)

And a last one I think might even work for a lot of UUs:

“Everybody gets to grow and change.”  (Lillian Daniel)


When I asked a small group of church members if they could come up with their own responses, one person thought for a quick moment and immediately said, “God is who we say s/he is.”  Wow - not bad for an off-the-cuff remark!


Then, when I sat down to try this myself, at first it felt overly daunting, but when it started to come together, it felt strangely freeing:

“You, I, and the Universe are One.”  (Unitarianism)  “We are, all of us, loved.”  (Universalism)  “You and I wonder, matter, and are.”  (our own church) 


Again, not bad, but perhaps not enough, either.


So here’s a request in the form of a little bit of homework:  Think about how to articulate your own ‘gospel in seven words’ and then write down the simple message you’d want to pass along from our traditions to people who need to hear.  If you’ll send what you come up with to me or to the church office, I’ll build an upcoming sermon around those responses.


In this case, we may find that it truly is a gift to be simple.


See you in church,


Opportunity Fair

On Sunday October 14 the church will be hosting an "Opportunity Fair."  All groups from the church are invited to host a table to let others know what opportunities are available for service, fellowship, growth, and religious education.  If *you* have a group you would like to represent, please contact Jennifer Timpe or Marty Johnson and tell us about it!  Being involved in groups like these is a great way to get to know your fellow UU's better."





Community Outreach Offering


General Information: 

One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes.  The entire amount of a check designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.  The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver.



If you have a suggestion about an organization we should support with our Community Outreach Offering in the new church year please contact Cheryle Tucker-Loewe, our Social Justice Chair.


October’s COO will go to the Oasis Women’s Center in Alton.  Oasis is a domestic violence shelter proving housing, counseling and support for women and children.

Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Saturday.

Saturday, OCTOBER 20 from 11:30 am until 2 pm at Princivilli's Restaurant
(at 3rd & Henry Streets – this month only).
Contact Beth Bourland for further information.


Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Sunday.

Sunday, OCTOBER 21 from 12:15 to 1:30 pm in Emerson Place at Church.
Contact: Diane Thompson or Sayer Johnson.


The GLBT Chalice Circle

The last Sunday of each month.

Sunday, OCTOBER 28 at 12:15 pm at church.

Contact Staci Bratten.

4th Saturday Lunch – October 27


Trish Botsko is the 4th Saturday Lunch Coordinator. 


More and more guests are coming to these lunches.  Our fellowship hall is usually full to overflowing.


There will be a “food needed” signup sheet in the Kate Wuerker Room.  Please contribute something to the meal and stay to share lunch with our guests as well as arriving early to help set up and/or staying after lunch to help clean up.


Volunteering at our 4th Saturday Lunch is a way you can give of your time and talent and also share life stories with our guests whom you might otherwise never meet.


At these lunches we also give out personal care items such as toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, etc.  See the list in the Kate Wuerker Room for what items are needed.  Sabrina Trupia collects and organizes these donations.

Interest Groups


The Anna Ds1st Thursday of each month.


The Anna Davenport Sparks Alliance will meet on Thursday, October 4 at at 11:30 am at Methodist Village (5201 Asbury in Godfrey).   Please purchase your lunch ticket ($7.00) at the reception desk when you come in.


Lorli Nelson is our hostess for this month’s lunch.   Let Brynda McCoy know by Monday, October 1, if you’ll be attending.


On the first Thursday of each month a different woman hosts the meeting at a location of her choice – church, home, or restaurant.


Anna Ds annual dues are $10 per person.   All women in the church are invited to attend the Anna Ds luncheons.   You need not be a member to come to one of the lunches.



Spiral Scouts – Every Friday from 6 to 8 pm.


This program for children and youth includes interpersonal skills, traditional woodland lore, camping, and outdoor living skills.   Please use my email and our facebook page, as it will give updated information about what we are, upcoming events and what is going on in our meetings.

Amy Eichen
 (50+) Forum

Saturday, October 6 – 10:30 am


Debbie Cerkoski and Catherine Connor from Senior Services Plus are going to speak at our meeting on Oct. 6.   They are involved in the fitness and nutrition aspect of the many programs offered at SSP.   I hope that you will plan to come and bring a friend. This should be a very informative and helpful program.

Everyone, no matter what age is invited to this month’s Forum as fitness and is important for everyone.

Brynda McCoy

Men’s Lunch Group

2nd Thursday of each month


The Men's Lunch Group will meet on Thursday, October 11 at 11:30 am at the Best Buffet & Grill at 615 Wesley, Drive in Wood River IL.

Contact Dick Blanton for further details.   All men in our church are invited!





Your Church Board



President                        Marty Johnson

President Elect              Jennifer Timpe

Past President                Sayer Johnson

Secretary                        Sarah Lazarz

Treasurer                       Michelle Bryant-Barbeau

Trustee                           Kelly Crone-Willis

Trustee                           Sandy Shaner

Youth Rep.                     Lily Tade


Board meetings are the 2nd Monday

each month at 7 pm and are open to the church members.





Choir Rehearsals in OCTOBER


Thursday, Oct. 4 from 7 to 8 pm

Sunday, Oct. 7 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm

Thursday, Oct. 11 from 7 to 8 pm

Thursday, Oct. 18 from 7 to 8 pm


For further information contact Willis McCoy or Joy Hoeft.

Notes from Board Trustee & Newsletter Liaison Sandy Shaner


The Board is still meeting monthly, and almost everything we discussed at the last meeting can be categorized as “governance”, focusing on moving the congregation from its “small” to “medium” status within the UUA system.

That probably already sounds boring, but please hang in there with us. We believe you want a long-lasting, vital, exciting, caring, supportive, growing environment at church for all of us. And it means that we need to move from a loose system of maybe getting things done to one that is more structured and dependable. For us this means clarifying organizational structure and approval levels as well as what committees should do, how many people are needed for each interest area, how to judge/value/celebrate their success, all the while allowing for the maximum degree of creativity to take advantage of the variety of experiences and gifts our members bring with them to church. See…totally exciting!

We want to create opportunities for you to enjoy working with new people who are both interesting and interested in getting tasks completed. We want to get to the point at which all of us will commit to one or more volunteer jobs that we take as seriously as a paying position. We want you to be excited to either learn something new or contribute your existing talents so that the church benefits and you get back more than you give.

And that’s why we carefully discussed finances, building improvements, reports, policies, procedures, schedules and deadlines – all the many facets of governance that will solidify the foundation of our special place.

            Which leads me to a special plea: if you are pulling capital campaign funds from savings or IRAs, it would really help if you could accelerate your contribution, perhaps even completing your full 3-year pledge by the end of December. We still – for now – plan to fund building improvements from cash on hand rather than seeking a loan or line of credit. For now, though, the kitchen renovation bids came in higher than expected and, while the committee will work with the architect to see if anything can be reduced, we don’t want to miss this historic opportunity to include everything we need. We also know that the repair of the RE wing façade won’t be cheap and can’t be deferred much longer. So, if you can, we’d appreciate your help.

            And a final note: mark your calendars for October 14 between services and after the last service when we’ll have our Opportunity Fair, the chance to find out where you can contribute your talents or develop a new talent by working for the good of the church.



Choose Compassionate Consumption

Get involved!

The goods we buy, the clothes we wear, the food we eat — where does it all come from?  Today's global supply chain of goods and services is complex and far from transparent.  Understanding the origin of a product you purchase — including the labor conditions under which it was produced — can be difficult.  Striving to feel connected to all the hands that have touched that item on its journey of production can be even more daunting.

Yet as consumers, we each have the power to educate ourselves and decide which businesses to support, which goods to buy. We can choose compassionate consumption.

Each time you purchase a good or patronize a service, you have a choice and that choice makes a statement.   Together with UUSC, you can act on a deep commitment to workers' rights, ethical eating, and building a just economy by choosing to spend wisely, in alignment with your values.   Please go to for more information and to take the pledge. Questions?   Contact Tracey Howe-Koch.





Our Sympathy is extended to
our Director of Religious Education, Steven Mead
and his family on the death of his mother
on Sunday, September 16, 2012.

“Dia de los Muertos”

Fall Fundraiser November 3


Day of the Dead  (Spanish: Día de los Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to remember friends and family members who have died.


On Saturday, November 3, starting at 6 pm, we will celebrate the “Day of the Dead” with an evening of storytelling, tarot readings, food, children’s activities, and both a SILENT AUCTION and a SERVICE AUCTION to aid our annual budget.


We will welcome master storyteller and haunted Alton historian Len Adams in our sanctuary for a special one night performance especially for First Unitarian Church Alton and friends. We will also have various tarot readers to entertain and share insights. 


Supper will include chili (several kinds), beverages and assorted sweet treats.


In addition there will be a fantastic SILENT AUCTION filled with a variety of goodies to take home as well as a small but entertaining SERVICE AUCTION that will include various tasks donated by members of the congregation. (painting, home cooked dinners, etc.)


We are looking for folks to donate themed baskets, and any items of value, such as antiques, baked goods, crafted items, and service items such as massage, reiki treatment, house cleaning, etc.


More details to come.   If you would like to be involved, please see Sayer Johnson or Linda Van Zandt, or use Linda's altenate email.




New Sound System in Sanctuary


Thanks to those involved in getting the new sound system installed in the sanctuary.   Especially to Ken Hoeft who hooked up the microphones, ran wires under the sanctuary floor, rerouted wires to electrical boxes, and did whatever else was needed to get our new sound system in place.   The new speakers are temporarily on stands on the sanctuary window sills but will soon be mounted on the ceiling.   The sound system in Wuerker Room has also been enhanced.

UUUth (UU Youth)

Children / Youth Choir


The UUUth choir will have its first rehearsal on Sunday, October 14, shortly after the second service is over.  We are planning on meeting for one hour on the second Sunday of each month after the second service.   The choir will then sing the following Sunday for both services.   We are looking forward to singing with your kids.   It will be a lot of fun. Any questions, contact Joy or Ken Hoeft



Worship Associates Meeting   Wednesday, October 10th

7 pm to 8:30 pm


Have you wanted to share in bringing new perspectives to Sunday morning worship? 


Would you would enjoy a deeper study of what happens (emotionally, spiritually, intellectually) during worship, and how to make those experiences more meaningful to yourself and the congregation?


If so, please plan to attend the “Worship Associates” Team meeting.   For more information contact: Eric Johnson or Mary Johnson or Khleber Van Zandt.






Social Justice Meeting


If you’re interested in working on Social Justice issues, plan to attend the Social Justice Committee meeting at 12:15 pm (during potluck) on Sunday, Oct. 28.   Contact Cheryle Tucker-Loewe for further information.


October Birthdays

Most people enjoy getting a card, email, or phone call on their birthday.  Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month.  If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green at and give her that information.


10/04        Tori Chapman (8)

10/06        Freya Wolff (12)

10/08        Nancee Magilson

10/09        Philip Bailey (2)

10/11     Becky Green

10/11     Eleonore Nelson

10/13     Ken Andrews

10/13     Brian Hull

10/17     Noah Hudson (12)

10/18     Johnny Tade (13)

10/22     Kelly Crone-Willis

10/22     Julian Myers (13)

10/24     Jacob Conniff (12)

10/24     Daniel Adams (5)

10/24     Ken Hoeft

10/26     Maxwell Oldt (15)

10/28     Pat Moore

10/28     Annie Morgan

10/30     Peg Flach

10/29     Madeline Hershey (3)




Welcome our Newest Members

Tom & Tara (Yomi) Kinder

Children: Rowen (10) & Garrett (7)

Alton, IL  62002


Below is the current list of members of the Caring Ministries Committee.  You may always contact one of them in time of illness, loss, crisis, or other need.  Keep this list of contact people available in case you or your family is in need of pastoral support.


The Caring Ministries Committee is ready to welcome several more members! If you are interested in engaging in conversations with other church friends and getting to know them on a deeper level, please consider joining our group! 


Please contact Sharon Johnson.


Amy Andrews


Chrissie Blount


Steve Blount


Marcia Custer


Melody Hardman


Sharon Johnson (Chair)


Catherine Nofles


Sabrina Trupia


Megan Wasoba


Khleber Van Zandt

314-223-0551 (MO cell)

618-520-0567 (IL cell)

October RE Program News & Notes


Special Sundays in October

·         October 7 Children’s Chapel—Yoga!  Grades 1-6, led by Steven Mead, DRE

·         October 28  Social Service Sunday, grades 1-8


Thank You to Khleber Van Zandt for building a coffee table and bulletin boards for our new 7th-8th grade room.


Thank You to This Year’s Teachers


Alison Reiheld

Amanda Grippi

Amelia McCarthy

Bailey Brunner

Brian Bennet

Carol Brown

Cathy Tade

Chrissie Blount

Debbie Miller

Debby Lovell

Eric Johnson

Erin Heil

Erin Vigneau Dimick

Juliette Crone-Willis

Linda Van Zandt

Mark Tade

Matt Koch

Michelle Bryant-Barbeau

Michelle Hudson

Mike Bechtol

Nancy Conniff

Paul Fischer

Paula Tarbell

Rachel Lappin

Robin Berkely

Sabrina Truppia

Sandy Acharya

Sayer Johnson

Spiral Blanton

Steve Blount

Tony Grippi

Tracey Howe-Koch

Trish Botsko



Neighbor Helping Neighbor--UNICEF

Join with other UU congregations across the country to support Trick or Treat for UNICEF.  Children may come in costume on October 28 and after our regular RE program, Trick or Treat for UNICEF during Fellowship Hour.  All proceeds will go to UNICEF.  UNICEF Programs develop community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children and mothers in under-developed countries including such essential items as vaccines, antiretroviral medicines for children and mothers with HIV, nutritional supplements, emergency shelters, and educational supplies.


Steven Mead, DRE

314.239.5694 (cell)





Interfaith Book Study Group to Meet at Church


Are you interested in joining an interfaith book discussion group?   This group is made up of people who first met each other through the Alton Area Cluster of the United Congregations of Metro East.   The first book we’ll be discussing is “God of Love: a Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam” by Mirabai Starr.   The first discussion meeting will be on Thursday afternoon, October 18 from 4 to 5:30 in the Kate Wuerker Room.   The “assignment” for the first meeting is to read the introduction and the first 3 chapters of the book.   It’s readily available on Amazon or can be ordered from your local bookstore.   If you’re interested in attending this book discussion gathering, please let Mary Johnson know.

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