Congregation established 1836


Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister

September 2011

Two Services Beginning September 18 at 9:30 & 11 am

One Service at 10 am on September 4 & 11

September 4 - Labor Day Weekend

10:00 am 


Marty Johnson,



Last year during the stewardship campaign, Marty shared with the congregation that the church, for her, is a place of striving.  The message resonated with many of you who heard it.  This sermon will expand on that message, sharing her vision and challenges that lie ahead for the congregation.

{Children go directly to Emerson Place for Chalice Theatre.}



September 11 – Intergenerational Ingathering, Congregational Meeting and Picnic

  10:00 am

“Welcome to Church!”

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


We gather in community, based on deed rather than creed, and welcome others who wish to make the journey with us.  We travel, not seeking perfection but striving to be better people and better neighbors.  We search, not simply seeking answers but striving to deepen the questions.  Come with us if you dare.

** You are welcome at the Special Congregational Meeting and the All-Church Picnic after the service.**

{Children attend the worship service.}

September 18

*Visitor Sunday*

  9:30 and 11:00 am 

Always Being Reformed

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


In her book, Always Being Reformed, writer Shirley Guthrie argues against exclusivist thinking in religion.  Those who believe they have the “one true religion” often try to foist it off on others, peacefully at first but then with “crusades, inquisitions, religious wars, and …imperialism.”  How can we deal with all the changes around our church without falling into such a trap ourselves? {Children  attend the first 15 minutes of the Worship  Service then go to their  Religious Education classes.}

*Visitor Sunday*

On designated visitor Sundays, members and friends of First Unitarian are encouraged to bring a guest(s) to church.  Please consider sharing our loving congregation with your friends. 


September 25

9:30 and 11:00 am

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt

Next January 30 will be the 40th anniversary of the day known as Bloody Sunday, when members of the British Army shot twenty-six unarmed protestors in the Bogside neighborhood of Derry, Northern Ireland.  Fourteen died; deep wounds remain.  This Sunday:  a travelogue, and hope for the future. {Children in service first 15 min.}

Adult Religious Enrichment (ARE)

Offerings at 9:30 & 11:00 am


Childcare is available at 9:30 and Nursery care as well as Children’s Religious Education classes are offered at 11:00.


Sept. 4 – No ARE

Sept. 11 – No ARE


September 18 – 9:30 am – Dr. Ron Glossop
This year we will continue our once-a-month discussion of the ideas of famous philosophers in the history of Western philosophy. Our first meeting September 18 will be an overview briefly summarizing the views of the philosophers we discussed last year (through Descartes and Spinoza) and giving an overview of the segment of modern philosophy (17th and 18th centuries) which we will be discussing this year – namely Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Leibniz, and Kant.  We will meet once a month, but it will be an irregular schedule since I will have to be out of town on several weekends.  The discussions of the views of Locke, Hume, and Kant will be for 2 months each.


September 18 – 11:00 am – Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

We'll be using the Spirit of Life curriculum for a 6 week series of classes.   This is the information from the website.  Spirit of Life classes offer participants space, time, and community to explore their Unitarian Universalist spirituality.  Each focuses on a different aspect of the spiritual life, framed by the lyrics of Carolyn McDade's song "Spirit of Life." Like the song, the classes are designed to be welcoming to Unitarian Universalists of many spiritual and theological persuasions.  Participants are invited to claim an inclusive definition of spirituality and recognize the spiritual aspects of their lives.


September 25 – 9:30 am – John Herndon

Humanist Non/Theist Group.  We will conclude our discussion of Gregory Epstein’s book “Good Without God”. We will begin the session with chapter 4 and see if we can finish discussing the rest of the book.


September 25 – 11:00 am – Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

2nd session of the Spirit of Life curriculum.

    A First Glance

“Congratulations!  You’ve been invited…”

Our congregation is one of only eighteen across the nation this year to be invited to join in “Leap of Faith,” a program designed by the UUA to learn how to help congregations grow.  Our church was nominated by the UUA’s Central Midwest District staff, possibly because of our recent dramatic growth trends, or maybe just because they can tell a good thing when they see it!

As an aspiring congregation (aspiring to grow to the next level), we’ve been paired with a mentoring congregation, Bull Run UU in Manassas VA.  Bull Run, with about 260 adult members, has recently experienced changes like those we’ve seen here in our congregation.  And since they’ve come out the other side and survived – er, thrived – we hope they can share with us how they avoided or transcended the pitfalls of change.

We will join other aspiring congregations this year from Peoria, Lansing, Minneapolis, Denver, Santa Barbara, New London CT, Framingham MA, and Carrolton TX.  At the table will be mentoring congregations from New York City, Atlanta, St. Paul, Ann Arbor, Des Moines, Fairfax VA, and Appleton WI.  Most of these congregations are much, much larger than us, some up to 1400 members.  Our little church, when measured by its membership of 130, will be the smallest ever in the program.  We intend to make up in vibrancy what we may lack in volume.

Which shouldn’t be a problem when you consider our team of leaders traveling to Leap events:  President Sayer Johnson, President-Elect Marty Moore Johnson, Past President Cheryle Tucker-Loewe, Mary Johnson, and Michelle Bryant-Barbeau.  I’m thrilled to be included in such an auspicious group, and pledge to take every opportunity to share with you what we learn.

What we hope to learn are new technical skills and adaptive approaches as we consider with the group deep questions about issues you might call “cracks in our foundation”:  our most intractable fiscal and physical stewardship challenges.

Speaking of stewardship, I want to express my profound appreciation to the anonymous donor who has provided the program’s tuition of $2500.  If that figure sounds excessively expensive to you, consider that the value of goods and services received by participant congregations from the UUA is in excess of $13,000 per congregation – quite the value to help a little church ask big questions and then head out to face a fascinating future.

I think it was poker champion Amarillo Slim who said, “Do the right thing enough times and the results will take care of themselves in the long run.”   I hope we can do the right thing more often than not.







Belleville Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Thursday.

T hursday, September 15 at 7 pm.   Contact Don or Jan Allen for the location.



Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Saturday (usually from 12 to 2).

Saturday, September 17 from 10 am to after lunch.

This will be a special meeting at 10 am as we begin the “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” series.  (See column about “Cakes” elsewhere in the newsletter.)   Contact: Beth Bourland.



Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Sunday.

Sunday, September 18 from 12:15 to 1:30 in Emerson Place at Church.  Contact: Diane Thompson or Sayer Johnson.



The GLBT Chalice Circle

The last Sunday of each month.

Sunday, September 25 at 12:15 am.    Look for them on facebook under “GBLT UU Chalice Circle - Alton, IL."   For updates on GBLT Chalice Circle topics, etc., please go to the website and join  Contact Layne A. Simpson for more information.



Men's Chalice Circle

Every 4th Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 27 at 7 pm at church.

Contact: Khleber Van Zandt







Mona Hebert says “Thank You” to all who contributed support for her medical mission trip to Guatemala in August.   She received over $250 in cash and she carried on 100 lbs. of health care products, including 50 lbs. of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

An Invitation to all women

Plan to join us on Saturday, September 17 at 10 am for the first of five sessions of the UUA curriculum -




- sponsored by the Renegade Women's Chalice Circle.  Peg Flach and Janice Joiner will be leading this session, with the 4 remaining sessions to be announced.


See JEREMIAH 7:18 and for more information.


Plan for the day:

10 am program

12 noon-ish Brown Bag lunch break.


Beverages and (of course) cake will be provided.

If extra time is needed, the session will conclude after lunch.   No child care will be provided for this event.


RSVP to Peg Flach by September 10, 2011.



Church Clean-up & Spruce Up Day

Saturday, September 10

from 9 am to 2 pm


Although a lot of yard work got done at July’s work day, there’s always more things to do both inside and out.  Come for a couple hours or for the entire scheduled time and help make our building and grounds more welcoming to everyone.  Your efforts will be really appreciated!


Thanks to Bob Larson, Gayle Borman, Lorna McElhone, Brynda McCoy, Andy Russo, and Mary and Jerry Johnson for their work in July.


If at anytime you see something at church that needs the attention of the Building & Grounds Committee, please note it on the orange colored paper on the clipboard in the Wuerker Room.

Ingathering Picnic

in the Park



WHEN: Sunday, September 11, 2011 After the congregational meeting to be held following the 10:00 am church service


WHERE: On the lovely grounds next to the church


WHAT TO BRING: A side dish/dessert to share


Games & Prizes

Family event for all ages

Soda, bottled water, grilled hot dogs & hamburgers available for small donation



Directory Updates

(addresses are not published in the online newsletter;

call the church office to get the omitted details)


Liz Rogers has a new email address


Alex Hoeft

Missouri S&T

Rolla, MO 65401


Betty Yakubian

Houston, TX 77074


Betty would love to hear from friends who want to drop her a note, or call.

Volunteers Needed for

Kids' Activity Hour

Sundays at 9:30 am


Crafts and Games for kids in

1st through 6th grades.


The Kids' Activity Hour allows parents to attend worship at 9:30 and Adult Religious Enrichment (ARE) classes at 11:00.  Likewise, parents could choose to attend ARE classes at 9:30 and worship at 11:00.  Your assistance in overseeing activities for these children will be greatly appreciated by all parents as it helps them to participate in the full spectrum of Sunday morning programs.  All activities are planned for you, and you will be serving with at least one partner.  Please volunteer for this important ministry, and let Cheryle know which Sunday works for you! 

Cheryle Tucker-Loewe





Shoes Into Water

A Social Justice Project


Bring your used shoes, fastened together in pairs, to church between 9/11 and 9/25 and drop them in the collection bin in the Kate Wuerker Room.  PLEASE remember to tie or rubber band pairs together


Our church, along with others in the Alton Area Cluster is participating in this program.  The shoes will be picked up in early October by the Shoeman organization and given a second life as they are sold to exporters and recyclers for resale in villages in India, South America, and Africa.  The money the Shoeman makes from the sale of the shoes is used to purchase water-well drilling rigs and water filtration systems to bring clean, fresh water to villages in Kenya and Haiti.  To date, Shoeman Water Projects have drilled 140 wells in Kenya, serving about 130,000 people.  In Haiti the Shoeman funds water purification systems and health education.

UU&You! Class Schedule for Fall

7:00 to 9:00 pm


UU&You! 1.0

Tuesdays, September 13, 20, & 27

An introduction to Unitarian Universalism and to the ideas, history and people that make up this church.


UU&You! 2.0

Mondays, October 3, 10, 17, & 24

The book used will be A Chosen Faith by Forrest Church and John Buehrens.  This class will be an exploration of Unitarian Universalist history, attitudes and traditions.


UU&You! 3.0

Tuesdays, November 1, 8, 15, & 22

The book used will be John Buehrens and Rebecca Parker’s A House for Hope: the Promise of Progressive Religion for the 21st century.  The chapters will further deepen our understanding of current topics in UU thought.




Are you a FAN fan?


Would you make a contribution to the Fan Fund?


We now have three ceiling fans in the Wuerker Room.  Thanks to Sayer and his brother Chad Brownstien for installing them. 


These fans will make us more comfortable year round and will reduce our need to use as much A/C in the summer and heat in the winter.


These fans (with the lights and remote controls) cost $100 each and we’re asking for contributions of any amount to help pay for them. 


You may mail a check, made out to First UnitarianChurch, to the attention of the Treasurer (PO Box 494, Alton IL 62002) or you may put a check in the collection and write FAN on the memo line or if putting cash in the collection plate, please put your donation in an envelope marked “FAN.”   Thanks!

New Book Shelves for the Church Library


Thanks to Linda Van Zandt for donating two new “expresso” colored book shelves for the church library.  These shelves have been placed on either side of the fireplace and the previous library shelving unit is being used for the RE collection of books.


In an effort to make the Kate Wuerker Room more attractive we’ve moved furniture around, taken some furniture out, and created a more spacious look and feel to the room.





Come one, come all.  Let’s take a trip around the world! Not literally of course, but at the Newcomer Party on September 10 we can all pretend we are touring the world. The party is for everybody. We will have child care and activities for the older ones who aren’t interested in what the adults are doing.


The purpose of the party is for the Newcomers to get better acquainted with the members and friends of the church. The newest Newcomers (6 months or less of attendance) will be the guests of honor. They will be recognized and need not bring refreshments. The rest of us should bring a snack food preferably indicative of a far away place. (Let Brynda know what country your food is from, and we’ll make a label for it.) And if beverages other than the soft kind which the church will provide are desired, bring that too.


We will have “get-acquainted” games and music also from far away places. To add to the fun we are encouraging (certainly not requiring) costumes from another country. AND if you have decorative items and/or flags from other countries, bring those along and help with the decorations.


The festivities will begin at 7:00 pm. Put this on your calendar and prepare for a fun evening. Contact Brynda McCoy if you can come. Otherwise there will be a sign up sheet in the Wuerker Room. We need to know how many to prepare for, so let us know if you are going to join in the fun.




First, the good news: our total expenses for fiscal year 2010-2011 were $163,860, or about 98% of our annual budget.  Now, the other news:  our total income was $151,600, or only 91% of our annual budget, leaving a shortfall of about $12,260.


Obviously this is not good news overall.  Though we did a good job of keeping within our budgeted expenses, our income projection was off by some, mostly due to a mixture of late payments, families moving away, and changes in financial conditions because of the economy.


Fortunately, during July and August we have received a few late pledge payments and other income, but a payment of about $3,500 from our Endowment Fund has been delayed because of technical issues.  Taking all this news into consideration, I anticipate that we will still end fiscal year 2010-2011 with a deficit of at least $6,800.


The Board of Trustees is taking this issue seriously, and the Stewardship Committee is making a few calls.  Please respond as generously as possible should they contact you.


  Jerry Johnson




Your Church Board



President –                 Sayer Johnson

President Elect –        Marty Moore Johnson

Past President –         Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

Secretary –                 Sarah Lazarz

Treasurer –                Jerry Johnson

Trustee –                    Jim Moore

Trustee –                    Don Allen

Youth Rep. –             TBA

Board meetings are the 2nd Wednesday each month at 7 pm and are open to the church members.

Below is the list of members of the Caring Ministries Committee.  You may always contact one of them in time of illness, loss, crisis, or other need.  Keep this list of contact people available in case you or your family is in need of pastoral support.




Sharon Johnson (Chair);
Marcia Custer;
Pat Moore;
Nancy Copley;  
Audrey & David Wiseman;  
Jan Allen;
Melody Hardman;
Khleber Van Zandt 314-223-0551 (MO cell) 618-520-0567 (IL cell);




Choir Rehearsals

1st 2nd & 3rd Thursdays

of each month.

7 to 8:30 pm


If you enjoy singing, consider joining the choir this church year.


Rehearsals in September will be Sept. 1, Sept. 8, & Sept. 15.


We sing a variety of musical selections, and participate in the Sunday worship service at least once a month.


For further information contact Willis McCoy.



What is Food Ministries?  Although we are still in process of working out the exact mission statement for our group, it should be obvious that we are all about FOOD.  If you are looking for some easy ways to get involved at church with brief commitments to one day or just a few hours this is a great place to start.  Food Ministries is involved in the following:

Coffee Hour, Potluck, 4th Saturday Lunch, Memorial Services, Kitchen Organization and a few other non-titled occasions where food is needed.


Coffee Hour:  As we return to the 2 service schedule this fall, we are implementing some changes to coffee hour.  Don’t panic there will still be coffee. 


We are seeking a method of duty sharing that should hopefully help in keeping anyone person from becoming burned out.  We will continue to have the signup sheet available in the Wuerker Room and when needed we will pass it at the beginning of service.  We are also going to begin asking people to take a turn at setting up for coffee hour – making the coffee and other drinks and putting the cups and glasses, etc. out, as well as bringing a contribution of snacks. 


You may bring any snack you like (baked good, cheese, crackers, fruit, etc.) and we ask that you bring just enough to serve 24 people (2 dozen cookies or brownies, a loaf of bread that can be cut into 24 slices, one package of crackers, etc.).  We are always looking for ways to better share the weekly tasks so that we can build community and save energy for the bigger tasks we all want to accomplish.

Many Thanks to those who have cleaned up over the summer months.



Pot Luck Lunches are a monthly event on the 4th Sunday of the month.  Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass and occasionally we give the meal a theme.  This is an all church event so we all set up and clean up, but Food Ministries members are the people who help others find serving spoons, use the microwave, and give general kitchen guidance.


4th Saturday Lunch:    This is our monthly program that offers a meal to area neighbors in need.  We have many regular visitors from the Salvation Army as well as the Stratford Hotel down the street.  There are many opportunities to help with this monthly lunch. 


Each month a coordinator is needed to create a menu, organize the food donations, and direct the activities on the day of the meal.  One may also assist by providing food, setting up, or cleaning up.  It is a great way to give back to the community in need and to build relationships with others.


I am looking for individuals or groups to take charge of meal planning for October and November (usually a turkey meal so planning is easy).  If you would like to take a turn and be organizer-in-chief for one of these meals please contact me.  Thanks


Kitchen Organization: In an effort to keep things clean and functioning, Mary Johnson has been appointed the person in charge of organizing the kitchen.  She and Lorna McElhone have done some wonderful shifting of shelves to create more space.  There is always room for helping with this so if you have ideas, a few minutes of time to share, or other reason please see Mary and help keep our kitchen functioning.


Other Events:  I’m always looking for more people to call on when we need a meal taken to a family in need or when there is a memorial service.  If you don’t mind being called upon sometimes at the last minute to lend a helping hand please let me know.  I usually just send out emails with a request and I can add you to my list.


Kathyrn Chapman

Food Ministries Coordinator


To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567







The Anna Ds Women’s Alliance will be starting their “new year” on September 1st at 11:30 am with a luncheon at the home of Corinne Hawkins.  RSVP by phone to Corinne or by email to Brynda McCoy.


Dues for the year ($10) are due at the September meeting.  If you don’t plan to attend in September please see Pat Moore at church or mail your dues to her.


We hope to have some interesting programs this year to add to our luncheons (book reviews, travel-logs, and other such presentations.)  We are hoping to be involved in the church’s 175th birthday celebration, as Anna D Sparks was an important figure in our church’s history.  We hope to have a fundraiser to support renovation of the kitchen, and possibly host an art exhibit of works by church members and friends.


If you’ve not been to an Anna Ds meeting, or haven’t attended for a while, you’re invited to come to our September meeting and find out what’s happening.


Anna D's expansion: Any church woman who can't attend the monthly daytime meetings but would like to explore participating at a different time can express her interest to Sandy Shaner. Once a group is identified Sandy will canvass for a convenient meeting time and place for an exploratory meeting.



The Seekers – Book Group

September 28


The Seekers meet at 7 pm on the last Wednesday of each month to discuss whatever it is the group is reading for that month or ideas that come out of that reading.  The book for September had not been chosen by the time the newsletter was published, but watch your email for announcements of the current read. The group is open to everyone … and you don’t necessarily have to have read the book to join in the discussion.  Join us in September and help choose the next book. Our August discussion will be about Thoreau.  Read a chapter or a part of one of his works, and join us on August 31.

Fifty-Plus (50+) Forum


The first meeting of the “Fifty Plusers” will be on Saturday, September 3, from 10:30 am to noon, with the opportunity to continue the camaraderie by going to lunch together afterwards. 


The Fifty-Plus Forum will be coordinated by Sandy Shaner, Pat Murrell, and Mona Hebert.




Men’s Lunch Group


All Men in our Church Family are invited!


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 am on Thursday, September 8 at the St. Louis Buffet, 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL.  Contact Dick Blanton for further details.




4th Saturday Lunch – September 24


Helping at our 4th Saturday lunches are a way you can contribute your time and talent and also share a meal with people you might not otherwise ever meet.


Everyone has a story.  Come eat with our guests, learn about their stories, and share your stories with them.

We need everyone’s support in this ongoing social service program.  There will be a signup sheet in the Kate Wuerker for September’s meal.  Sign up to help or to bring food – or both.  Sign up early so those organizing the lunch won’t have to scramble at the last minute to get enough food. 

For the last couple months we’ve had 40 to 50 guests.

Coordinator: September – Linda Van Zandt

Spiral Scouts

Meeting Dates


Sunday, September 11

from 1-3 pm



October: To be Determined (weekend campout - not at church)


Sunday, November 13 from 1-3 pm


Sunday, December 11 from 1-3 pm


Sunday, January 8 from 1-3 pm


SpiralScouts International is a rapidly growing worldwide organization where boys and girls of all faiths can learn and grow together. The program is designed to be inclusive and non-discriminatory in all areas. (gender, religion, sexual orientation)


The SpiralScouts youth program includes interpersonal skills, traditional woodland lore, camping, and outdoor living skills. Over the past year, our SpiralScouts have learned a variety of life skills and earned badges in camping, cooking, knot tying, orienteering, hiking, sculpture, and more.


New youths or adults may register any time. The meeting day and time for RiverDragon SpiralScouts Circle 254 is the second Sunday of each month from 1-3 pm at the First Unitarian Church of Alton. Although we try to maintain a regular meeting day and time, the meeting date is subject to change due to holidays or SpiralScouts field trips.  To check on meeting times or for additional information you may contact Amy Eichen Primary Contact for RiverDragon Circle 254.


                                                            Stacey Wolff



We’re Happy to WELCOME …


Linda Walker, who joined the church on August 7th and

Nancy Conniff who joined the church on August 21st.


Please introduce yourself to each of these women and make them feel welcomed. Please add an * (indicating church member) to their names in your church directory.


Outreach Offering



General Information: 

One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes.  The entire amount of a check designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.  The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver.



Two years ago we made a multiple-year commitment to financially support the education of three Unitarian young people from the Khasi Hills of India.  This is the 3rd year of our sponsorship commitment to Indahun (10th grade); Rynsong (11th grade); and Diamond (college).  They are all associated with the Unitarian Church in Shillong, India.  Our commitment is for $600 per year.


September’s (& maybe part of October’s) Community Outreach Offering collected for our students will be sent to the Unitarian Union of North India through the offices of the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council in Bedford MA.


If you have an organization or group in mind that you believe would be a good match to receive our Community Outreach Offering, please contact our Social Justice Chairman, John Herndon.



Coming in October


Thrift Store Prom


A benefit dance for  Campfest 2012.


Saturday October 29

6 pm till?? 


In the Kate Wuerker Room at Church.   We are encouraging everyone to wear their vintage prom fabulous best!


All Ages Welcome.

Most people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their birthday.  Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month.  If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green at and give her that information.


            9/01     David Birchmier

            9/01     Dee Evans

            9/01     Bill Fischer

            9/03     Jim Moore

            9/04     Riana Herndon (7)

            9/10     Mary Lu McManus

            9/10     Roger Thorogood

            9/11     Alexander Reiheld (4)

            9/13     Phil Finley

            9/13     Betty Yakubian

            9/14     Teri Brickey

            9/14     Mona Hebert

            9/14     Jackson Smithe (7)

            9/14     Moriah Strawn

            9/15     Tony Grippi

            9/16     Meredith Johnson (11)

            9/16     Janice Joiner

            9/19     Kelvin Crone-Willis (9)

            9/19     Jennifer Politsch

9/20     David Stacy






The Book Sale Shelves Have Been Moved!


Did you notice that the shelves are now to the left as you enter the Wuerker Room through the handicapped entrance?  And have you noticed the infusion of new books?  Please come and look ... there's a better selection of fiction and non-fiction than ever before. And still the same affordable prices: $1 for hardbacks and 50 cents for paperbacks.


Sandy Shaner

September RE Program News & Notes


What’s New?


Religious Education Parent and Teacher Orientation

Mark your calendars for Monday night, September 12, 6 - 8:30 pm for our annual Parent Teacher Gathering.  Light supper served in the Kate Wuerker Room and we move to the Emerson Place Room for the evening’s program.  Childcare will be available.  There is so much new this year:  new classrooms, new curricula, and new teachers.  It promises to be an exciting year of journey and growing. 


Bar Stools Anyone?

We are outfitting our classrooms in preparation for fall.  We are seeking donations for (6) tall, new or gently used, plain wooden bar stools for our teachers.  See Steven Mead, DRE.


Painting Volunteers

We need to paint one classroom wall this year before Ingathering.  Any volunteers?  See Steven Mead, DRE.


Religious Education Library

Amanda Grippi donated her time this summer cataloging our small Religious Education library collection — Thank you, Amanda!  What’s more, we have moved this collection upstairs to the Kate Wuerker Room where parents and children may check them out and return them to the shelves after use. 


Registration for 2011 - 2012

Unless you registered very recently, we will be asking all parents to update their family’s information this year.  Thanks for your help.






What will our children and youth learn this year?


We will offer a rich landscape of learning, fun, worship, and social justice.  This fall we switch our “Pillar” to Growing Souls.  Whereas previous pillars have an outward focus, our third pillar has a bias toward an inward focus.  What do I believe?  How should I act?  What are my responsibilities as part of an interconnected web of all living things? 


Pre-K and Kindergarten:  Spirit Play.  Joyful discovery and learning for children ages 3 or 4 through 5.  The primary goal for this age group is to introduce the children to RE Program classes, increase their comfort with the church environment, and provide a nurturing environment for children to discover their growing capabilities.


Grades 1-2:  Moral Tales.  The aim of Moral Tales is to help raise children who have been provided with tools that will help them to discern what is right and true, to hear and follow the call of Love, and to turn their moral beliefs and ethical concerns into concrete action.


Grades 3-4:  Tool Box of Faith.  Toolbox of Faith invites participants to reflect on the qualities of our Unitarian Universalist faith, such as integrity, courage, and love, as tools they can use in living their lives and building their own faith.


Grades 5-6:  The Questing Year.  The Questing Year engages participants in four quests designed to help them seek and develop their own answers to deep life questions about human faith and the web of all existence.


Middle School.  Coming of Age.  We invite youth and parents to celebrate this special time in personal growth through an individualized program that develops religious values and beliefs; introduces youth to the congregation; and provides parents and the congregation an opportunity to publicly affirm our youth.


Middle School.  Our Whole Lives—Human Sexuality.  Our Whole Lives is a nationally known, highly esteemed, whole-person UUA/UCC curriculum about human sexuality and spirituality.  OWL is a positive and comprehensive program that helps participants gain knowledge, values, and skills in order to lead sexually healthy, responsible lives.  We will again make this offering available through the collaborative efforts of Eliot Chapel, Kirkwood MO.


Youth Group.  Grades 7-12.  Middle School and High School youth meet every other Sunday at 11:00 a.m. or as the Group decides.  The group is self-directed and with the help of adult advisors and available curricula, plans programs that may include worship, education, social events, social action projects, and development of leadership skills.  Discussion topics cover current events, situations in school, and various religious concerns.


Steven Mead, DRE

314.239.5694 (cell)

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