Congregation established 1836 |
Newsletter of the First
Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois
Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister |
September 6, 2009 – Labor Day Weekend TITLE TO BE ANNOUNCED Dee Evans Check the church
website or church announcements for an update. September 13, 2009 - Ingathering Sunday - an Intergenerational Worship Service - “God
Before, During, and After” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Some children ask, “Where was I before I started growing in Mom’s tummy?” Some older people ask, “Where will I go when I die?” The answer to these important questions, if there is one, probably lies in the margins between “nowhere” and “everywhere.” Herewith, a sermon for children and adults on the nature of God – if there is one. September 20, 2009 “Gates
Left Open” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt The media circus in the aftermath of the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr., at his home in Cambridge, MA, points out the need for a serious and ongoing discussion of race in America, especially here in our area during our Decade of Racial Reconciliation in Alton. |
September 27, 2009 “Shaped
by the Word” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Science has shown that the idiosyncrasies of the language one speaks help shape the way one perceives the world. If it’s not simply a case of ‘I say tom-a’-to and you say tom-ah’-to,” we’d best be careful about the words we use, especially with each other. Adult Religious
Enrichment (ARE) Sunday mornings
@ 9:30 am in Childcare is
available. Sept. 6th – Illinois Civil Unions Bill – What can
we do, and what do we do next? A discussion
about strategy for those interested in helping to try and get this bill
finalized in the Sept. 13th – Peacemaking with Ron Glossop. The Peacemaking Statement of Conscience from the last UUA General Assembly has been continued, and so our discussions will continue. Come join the discussion with our very own Peace studies expert, Dr. Ron Glossop. Sept. 20th – Non-Theist/Humanist Discussion Group led by John Herndon. Sept. 27th – Meditation for busy Pragmatists! Sound interesting? Come find out! |
Mark Your Calendars: A Quick Guide to
this Month’s Happenings Wed., Sept. 2 – Green Sky Sangha – 7pm. Thurs., Sept. 3 – Anna Ds – 11:30 am at church; Choir rehearsal – 7 pm. Sun., Sept. 6 – Fair Trade Coffee sales. Wed., Sept. 9 – Board meeting – 7 pm. Wed., Sept. 9 – Green Sky Sangha – 7 pm. Thurs., Sept. 10 – Men’s lunch group – 11:30 am; Choir rehearsal – 7 pm. Fri., Sept. Sun., Sept. 13 – Member committee – 9:15 am; Picnic after church. Mon., Sept. 14 – UU&You! – 7 pm. Wed., Sept. 16 – Green Sky Sangha – 7 pm. Thurs., Sept. 17 – Care Team Meeting – 6 pm; Choir rehearsal – 7 pm.
Sept. 19 – Mississippi Earthtones Festival 11-7 on riverfront;
Sept. 20 – Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle – 12 noon;
Mon., Sept. 21 – UU&You! – 7 pm. Tues., Sept. 22 – Men’s Chalice Circle – 7 pm. Wed., Sept. 23 – Green Sky Sangha – 7 pm.
Sept. 26
– 4th Saturday Lunch – noon;
Sun., Sept. 27 – Potluck lunch; Social Justice Committee – during lunch. Mon., Sept. 28 – UU&You! – 7 pm. Wed., Sept. 30 – Green Sky Sangha – 7pm.
Church Committee Meetings This Month
Member Committee – Sunday, September 13th – 9:15 am – Church office.
Pastoral Care Team Leaders – Thursday, September 17th
Social Justice
Committee – Sunday, September 27th – during potluck – |
have very much enjoyed my summertime visits with family this year, not because
everything is peachy with them or because we always get along so well, but
because I think it might have given me some new perspective on living together
in community. July
began with Linda and me hosting our three- and five-year-old grandboys for two
weeks – sans parents for the first
time ever. Linda and I got to play
different roles than we were used to, going beyond the always-kindly grandma
and grandpa to include a touch of the disciplinarian as well. It was a wonderful time to get to know the
little guys in ways that we don’t get to experience in our usual
Sunday-afternoon computer-monitor videophone calls with them. In
August, we drove all over No,
we didn’t always get along easily. Our
family is made up of people we love and are related to, but sometimes we have
trouble finding things we have in common with them. Sometimes it’s a lot easier to find the
places where we rub each other the wrong way.
all the talk was not of happy things and no problem and, gee, ain’t life
grand. There were medical issues to
explain, lost jobs to discuss, family rifts to hash over yet one more
time. Love holds us together, but life
threatens to rip us apart. And
now we’re back home getting ready for a new church year. From all I can tell, the summer went pretty
well at church. Reports are that the
lay-led worship services were very well received, that we had a large number of
visitors, and that energy and attendance remained high. Not
everything is happy and no problem and gee, ain’t life grand. Many of us are dealing with medical issues,
have suffered economic setbacks, or have experienced losses of various kinds. And we don’t always get along so well,
either, sometimes finding it easier to expose the places where we rub each
other the wrong way than to work at lifting up our commonalities. You’ve
probably heard the story about Noah’s See you in church,
and You! An
Introduction to Unitarian Universalism This three-session adult education course will be led
by our minister, The Rev. Khleber Van Zandt. Here you will be introduced to the ideas, history, and
people that make up the First Unitarian Church of Alton, and the Free Church
Tradition of which Unitarianism and Universalism are a part. Learning about the church and its traditions
is a first step towards involvement in a community of faith dedicated to the
preservation of religious freedom and the uplifting of the human spirit. We will explore together the difference between the
orthodox and the liberal ways in religion, as well as a brief history of the
Western church. You will learn about our
approach to religion and the core ideas of Unitarianism and Universalism. You will also learn something of the rich and
enduring history of the First Unitarian Church of Alton. Hopefully you will also learn something about yourself
and the things you value and the things you believe, as well as meet and learn
about other newcomers who are on the same pilgrimage of self-discovery. DATES
& TIMES for UU and You! Monday
evening, Sept. 14th – 7:00 to 9:00 Monday
evening, Sept. 21st – 7:00 to 9:00 Monday
evening, Sept. 28th – 7:00 to 9:00 There will be a signup sheet at church or let the
church administrator know by calling (618) 462-2462 or emailing
by Friday, September 11th.
Free childcare will be provided if arranged when you indicate your
intention to attend the UU & You! classes. |
Picnic in the Park When:
September 13, 2009 immediately following church services. Where:
On the lovely grounds next to the church. What
to bring: A side-dish/dessert to share. Games
& Prizes - Family event for all ages. Soda, bottled water, grilled hot dogs & hamburgers available for small donation. NAMI WALK FOR MENTAL HEALTH Saturday, September 26th This will be the 3rd
year members of our congregation have participated in the NAMI of Madison
County’s “Walk for Mental Health.” This
annual event is held at the The walk is “To raise both money and awareness regarding the need for treatment and through public awareness to rid the stigma that goes with brain disorders.” Check-in at Park Pavilion #1 is from 9 am on. The walk begins at 10 am and follows a 2 mile trail. You might even get to lead a llama! A free lunch and a tee shirt will be provided to everyone who registers. The registration deadline to receive the shirt is September 15th. Walk registration / donation forms will be available in the Kate Wuerker Room at church. Contact
Ruth Maskow for further information.
Interest Group Gatherings Green Sky Sangha The Green Sky Sangha meets every Wednesday at 7 pm and invites anyone interested in meditation to join them. No prior knowledge of meditation is required. The group practices various forms of meditation and discusses ideas related to Buddhism. Dee Evans
UU COFFEE HOUSE Mark your calendars: UU Coffee House Inauguration: Saturday, September 19th from 7 to ?? Planning in progress: details to follow. Auditions underway for poets, essayists, musicians, dancers, conversationalists, d.j.s and audience :)) Questions: see Dick Blanton or Janice Joiner.
Spiral Scouts – No meeting September 6th For information contact Sayer Johnson or Jason Dothager. |
Anna Ds will meet on Sept. 3rd The Anna Ds Women’s Alliance will have its first gathering of the season at church on Thursday, September 3rd It will be a “bring your own brown bag” lunch with dessert and beverages provided by Mary Weber. We will also have a program about
“Vintage Postcards” given by Sue Gorline.
Sue has been collecting postcards for many years and belongs to the
Gateway Postcard Club. She says that “Postcards represent lost All women in the church are invited to attend Anna D meetings which are held on the first Thursday of each month from September through June. Meeting locations vary from the church, to restaurants, to members’ homes. Annual dues are $10 and payable in September. Pat Moore is the Anna Ds Treasurer.
Community Women’s Drum Circle …
meet on Sunday, September 20th at 6 pm at church. Contact Layne Simpson for details.
Men’s Lunch Group – All the men in the church are invited to attend. The Men’s Lunch Group will meet on Thursday, September 10th at the St. Louis Buffet, 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL. Contact Nelson Shaner for further details. |
Pastoral Care Teams The church is a story. It is the story of lives that are interwoven, brought together in this place and this time for the simple purpose of caring for one another, and helping one another along the arduous path from birth to death. –Victoria Weinstein In an effort to encourage all of us at the First Unitarian Church of Alton to care for and minister to one another, the Member Services Committee has established a Pastoral Care Teams program. The purpose of these teams is three-fold: 1. To check on one another if someone is not at church for an extended period of time. 2. To provide cards, calls, food, etc. in times of serious illness or life crisis. 3. To provide all members someone to call in addition to the minister when they experience illness, loss, or crisis. Your Pastoral Care Team Leader will contact you soon in order to help the members of your team connect with one another. There will be a list of all the teams and their members on the kiosk in the Kate Wuerker Room. Our Pastoral Care Team Leaders are Marcia Custer, Grace Madison, Brynda and Willis McCoy, Ronnie Schoenborn, Paula Tarbell, Cheryle Tucker-Loewe and Audrey and David Wiseman. Please contact your Team Leader if you have any questions. Also, if you or someone you know has not been assigned to a team, please contact Cheryle Tucker-Loewe.
Fall Retreat – Lake Geneva, Wisconsin November 6th - 8th Theme: “It is what it is … healing in hard times.” Keynote address: The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Armstrong “Living the golden years – without the gold.” More information
coming later. Check it out at |
What is the UUA’s STANDING ON THE SIDE OF LOVE campaign?
Support our Kid Craft Booth at the Mississippi Earthtones Festival Come celebrate our great river at the Mississippi Earthtones Festival Saturday, Sept. 19th, Alton Riverfront. Park and Amphitheater from 11am - 7 pm. Live folk and bluegrass music, food and nature-craft vendors, and bike rides on the levee. This is a solar and wind-powered event. We, the First Unitarian of Alton, are sponsoring a kid craft booth! Volunteers are needed to work 1 hour shifts from 11 am - 4 pm. Sign-up in the Kate Wuerker Room or contact Cathy Tade. Hope to see you at the festival! To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Email: Cell Phone: |
Total budgeted income for July 2009 was $6,469.23; this was 4.7% of our annual budget. Total budgeted expenses for July 2009 were $14,320.18; this was 10.4% of our annual budget. Part of the large expenditure amount was due to the annual insurance premium payment and to the payment on the repairs to the air-conditioner for the R.E. wing. Last month we paid down our deficit to $1,347.49. This deficit refers to a situation two years ago in which we had to borrow from our restricted funds in order to meet payments for that fiscal year. We were able to reduce the deficit by applying the surplus from last fiscal year to the residual deficit. This year we do not have as many pledges paid early as in previous years. This means that we do not have as large a pledge surplus as in the past and thus we are more on a pay-as-you-go basis. It would be helpful, if more people could pay their pledges on a monthly basis — or at least on a regular schedule.
As instructed by the Board, I will work up a poster to display at church showing our monthly income vs. our expenses to help people remain aware of how we are doing financially. Jerry Johnson, Treasurer
September 27th
a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and
fellowship! Please bring a dish that
serves at least 6 to 8 people. When
at all possible, in an effort to be more conscious of the environment and to
reduce the trash that our church might add to the ever growing area landfills,
we are using the church’s china plates instead of disposable ones. A-Mc will do Table Set Up M-Z will do Clean Up PLEASE PLAN TO DO YOUR
CHALICE CIRCLES Friday, September 11th at church – 6 to 8 pm. Contact Kristen O’Steen. Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle Saturday, September 19th at church – 2 to 4 pm. Contact Marcia Custer. Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle Sunday, September 20th – 12:00 to 1:30 pm in Emerson Place at church. Contact: Diane Thompson or Cheryle Tucker-Loewe. Men's Chalice Circle Tuesday, September 22nd – 7 pm at church. Contact: Khleber Van Zandt.
Musicians Wanted!
We are looking for individual and group musicians to perform on Sundays when the choir does not sing. Anyone interested in sharing their musical talents with the congregation, or who has a suggestion of someone outside our church community who would be willing to play “pro bono” please contact Willis McCoy.
Continuing Conversations Sometimes you might come to a worship service and everything that’s said washes right over you and keeps going. Other times you might hear something that you can’t wait to talk more about. This new series of Continuing Conversations is for those Sundays when you’re left with burning questions and need to explore the topic of the day more deeply. We’ll meet on the second and fourth Sundays, after church, in the Kate Wuerker Room near the fireplace. Khleber |
Saturday Lunch – A Social Justice Venture Saturday, September 26th is the date of our next 4th Saturday Lunch for those in need of a meal. A signup sheet will be available so you can decide what you would like to bring. The lunch attendance over that last few months has varied from 15 to 38 guests. We are also seeing more children coming. If you have books or small toys you’d like to give to our young guests, please bring these items to church. There are also openings for YOU to volunteer to coordinate one of these monthly lunches. If this sounds like something you would like to get some friends together to do, or would like more information about what all is involved, get in touch with Mary Johnson. Our lunch buffet line opens at 12 noon. We ask that if you are bringing food that you arrive at least by 11:45 am. Set-up help is welcome anytime after 10:30 am and cleanup help is always needed after lunch is over. THANKS to all who have participated in any way in our lunches since we started the program last October. DIRECTORY
CHANGE Beth Bourland has a new email address: If your personal information (phone, address, email) changes, please notify the church office so we can keep our records current.
Irene Mondhink has informed us of the death of Sara Carlisle Holzman in Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Holzman was an active member of the church in the 1960s and an influential voice in the building of the RE wing. |
Most people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their
birthday. Below is the list we have of
church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month. If you don’t think the church office has your
birthday on file, please contact Becky Green ( and give her
that information. September 1 September – Bill Fischer 1 September – David Birchmier 1 September – Dee Evans 3 September – Jim Moore 4 September – Elizabeth Leavell 10 September – Denise Maxwell 10 September – Mary Lu McManus 10 September – Roger Thorogood 13 September – Phil Finley 13 September – Betty Yakubian 14 September – Mona Hebert 14 September – Teri Brickey 14 September – Jackson Smithe (2004) 16 September – Janice Joiner 19 September – Jen Politsch 20 September – David Kraus 20 September – David Stacy 23 September – Matt Hallett 26 September – Jennifer Nolan O’dell
Liz Rogers and Melanie Hill-Rogers joined the church on August 16. Please introduce yourselves to them and
make them feel welcome. Add their names and contact information
to your church directory. Check the print
copy of the newsletter for address and phone. Melanie: |
CHOIR CHANGES REHEARSAL SCHEDULE The choir will rehearse on the first three
Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 pm.
There will be no Sunday
rehearsals after church anymore. The
choir is hoping to be able to participate in the service twice a month. September’s rehearsals are on September 3rd, 10th, and 17th. There
are openings for sopranos, altos, tenors, baritones, basses … and any voices
in-between. For more info. contact Willis McCoy or show up for a rehearsal.
As children head back to school,
please remember that good nutrition is important for good learning. Your contributions to the Jen Politsch
Bells We have received word that the Rev. Sylvia Falconer, minister
of this church from 1979 to 1983 will be married to Jerry Mangan on September
12th in |
Offering General Information: One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd
and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes. The entire
amount of a check designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.
The money donated does not
include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver. In September our community outreach collection will take an INTERNATIONAL focus. Many Unitarian families around the world live on less than $1.00 per day. Education is one long-term strategy to break out of the cycle of extreme poverty, but going to school often means boarding away from home, buying uniforms, supplies, and often paying tuition. This is beyond the reach of many families. The Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council has joined together with U*U organizations in the Philippines, India and Transylvania to identify potential students whose education can be supported through scholarship money provided by UU churches here in the U.S. Students receiving scholarships are expected to pay back to the UUPCC scholarship fund 20% of the total received once they have a job. When we commit to support a student it will be a three to five year funding commitment, depending on the educational level selected. We will also keep in contact with the student during the years. The C.O.O. committee has decided to support a Unitarian student from the Khasi Hills in India and the level will depend on the amount you donate during the month of September. In India, high school means a 5-year period following secondary school and includes college.
learn more about the student sponsorship program go to To learn more about Unitarianism in the Khasi Hills go to . |
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