Congregation established 1836 |
Newsletter of the First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois
Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister August 2011 |
AUGUST 7 “Musical Odyssey Sunday” Eric Johnson Come and enjoy the spirituality of music sprinkled with poetry and readings. Many of your fellow congregants will be playing and reciting and YOU are encouraged to contribute as well. If you would like to be a part of this service simply contact Eric Johnson. Following the service will be the introductory meeting of the Music Chalice Group. If you've always wanted or always have been involved in music you are invited. Desire to participate is the only requirement.
During August, Rev. Van Zandt reprises some of his sermons from the past year.
AUGUST 14 “Recovering Noah” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Some of us remember Noah as the guy who was told by
God to build an ark and then wait for it to start raining. But the story is more complicated than
that: there are at least two gods active
in that section of the text. Maybe it’s
no wonder Noah can’t keep it together in his personal life! |
AUGUST 21 “American Grace” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Bowling Alone author Robert Putnam’s newest book examines how religion both unites and divides Americans. Putnam posits that we of different religious persuasions get along surprising well because we personally know people of other faiths - which I believe affirms our continuing ecumenical and interfaith outreach efforts AUGUST 28 “God, and Other Four-Letter Words” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt The dust-up between traditional Christians and what we might call “the new atheists” landed on front pages last year when Pope Benedict visited with Queen Elizabeth in the UK. Why must fundamentalists on both sides insist on using the smallest possible definition of “God”? To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Email: Cell
Phone: Missouri – 314-223-0551 Illinois – 618-520-0567 |
Adult Religious
Enrichment (ARE) Sunday mornings August
7 & 21 Ethical Eating
with Marcie Nagle @ 9:00 in Childcare is
available. Clear Sky UU Meditation Group 9:20 – 9:50 am on Sundays in the Spirit Play classroom, down the hall
from the nursery.
Church Clean-up & Spruce Up Day Saturday July 30 – morning & afternoon There’s a lot of yard work to be
done (ivy growing up the church walls, a vine taking over the RE porch, grass
taller than the day lilies in the flower bed in the front ... and the list goes on.). Other tasks may include window washing, minor
interior repairs, straightening and reorganizing rooms, painting, etc. ALL HANDS WELCOME! Also, if at anytime you see
something at church that needs the attention of the Building & Grounds
Committee, please note it on the orange colored paper on the clipboard in the
Wuerker Room. |
Sometimes I read other
churches’ newsletters, mostly so I can keep up with what other people are doing
out there. Sometimes what I read hits
very, very close to home. Here’s an
example: “It seems obvious to me that (our church’s local) area can support
a strong liberal church, and equally obvious that it needs a strong liberal
church. You, the present members, are
committed to getting a full-time minister and to making the church grow in
numbers and in program. (During last
Sunday’s service), we looked at some of the problems that growth can bring, and
someone said that their assumption had always been that growth would solve problems,
not make them! True, it will solve some,
but it will bring new ones, too, and it’s a good idea to be aware of possible
problems and be ready for them. “Some potential problems are:
divisiveness due to different values and goals of new and longer-term
members; …conflict over programs; issues concerning building use - two groups
of people wanting the same room, for instance, or some groups leaving rooms in
messing states. Some of these problems will happen if the church grows. “This doesn’t mean that the church shouldn’t grow. Far from it. It only means that those of you who have
become accustomed to a rather calm state of affairs will have to prepare for
something a bit different. The
difference will cause some difficulties, but it will also bring the excitement
of things going on, of (our church) once again being ‘THE place to be...’ “To have that vitality and activity, it’s worth risking a few
problems.” Sounds just like First
Unitarian Church of The vitality Maryell
thought worthy of risk has come to pass.
The level of activity is still rising, the dynamism continues, and
change is still in the air. Some days
it’s not easy hanging on for such a wild ride. But it sure can be
Coming in September! An Invitation to all women Plan to join us on Saturday, September 17 at 10 am for the
first of five sessions of the UUA curriculum - CAKES
FOR THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN - sponsored by the Renegade
Women's See JEREMIAH 7:18 and for more information. Plan
for the day: 10 am. program 12 noon-ish Brown Bag lunch
break. Beverages and (of course) cake will be provided. If extra time is needed, the session will conclude after lunch.
No child care will be provided for this event. RSVP to Peg Flach by September 10, 2011 Shoes Into Water A
Social Justice Project in September We
will be collecting shoes at church in September to help in a clean water
project for |
Below is the list of members of the Caring Ministries Committee. You may always contact one of them in time of illness, loss, crisis, or other need. Keep this list of contact people available in case you or your family is in need of pastoral support.
Sharon Johnson (Chair)
Choir Rehearsals Begin Thursday, August 4 If you enjoy singing, consider joining the choir this church year.
Rehearsals are held the first three Thursday evenings each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Rehearsals in August will be on Aug. 4, Aug. 11, and Aug. 18. We sing a variety of musical selections, and participate in the Sunday worship service at least once a month.
For further information contact Willis McCoy. |
Chalice Circles Belleville Chalice Circle T hursday, August 11 at 7 pm. Contact Don or Jan Allen for the location. Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle Saturday, August 20 from 12:00 noon to 2 pm at church. The discussion topic will be “transitions.” Contact: Beth Bourland. Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle Sunday, August 21 from 11:30 am to 1 pm in Emerson Place at Church. Contact: Diane Thompson or Sayer Johnson. Men's Chalice Circle Tuesday, August 23 at 7 pm at church. Contact: Khleber Van Zandt. The GLBT Chalice Circle
Sunday, August 28 at 11:15 am
clean up after coffee hour There’s been a good response to the request for
people to help clean up after coffee hour.
We only need one more person for August 21. There are open slots in
September and October, so please consider joining a clean up crew. The signup sheet is in the Kate Wuerker Room.
Most people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their birthday. Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month. If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green at and give her that information. 8/03 Nan 8/03 Akilah Hudson (9) 8/04 Jim Elliott 8/07 Zoe Christodoulou Monroe (10) 8/07 Jack McCall 8/10 Beverly Carter 8/10 Lorna McElhone 8/11 Robbie Reiheld (7) 8/14 Lily Tade (16) 8/16 Anna Whitaker (15) 8/18 Matt Koch 8/23 Paul Hebert 8/23 Danny Key (10) 8/24 Amelia McCarthy (15) 8/25 John Barbeau 8/29 Corbin Prado (6) 8/29 Marilyn Prado (6) That Perfect Summer Read There's still time to find it at the Church used
bookshelves or to donate it for someone else to enjoy. The
bookshelves work best with turnover, you donate, buy (25 cents for small
paperbacks, 50 cents for large paperbacks, $1 for hardbacks), and donate again
for someone else to enjoy. There's still time to enjoy some good reads before
fall yard work calls your name, so check out the shelves. Sandy Shaner |
GROUPS Anna Ds Women’s Alliance The Anna Ds will not meet in August.The next meeting will be at 11:30 am on Thursday, September 1, at the home of Corinne Hawkins. Fifty-Plus (50+)
Forum The
first meeting of the” Fifty Plusers will be on Saturday, September 3, from
10:30 am to noon, with the opportunity to continue the camaraderie by going
to lunch together afterwards. This
group was formed to replace the The
Fifty-Plus Forum will be coordinated by Sandy Shaner, Pat Murrell, and Mona
Hebert. Men’s Lunch Group All Men in our Church Family are invited! The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 am on Thursday, August 11 at the St. Louis Buffet, 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL. Contact Dick Blanton for further details. |
The Seekers – Book Group August 31 The Seekers meet at 7 pm on the last Wednesday
of each month to discuss whatever it is the group is reading for that month or
ideas that come out of that reading. The
book for August had not been chosen by the time the newsletter was published,
but watch your email for announcements of the current read. The group is open to everyone … and you don’t necessarily have to
have read the book to join in the discussion.
Join us in August and help choose the next book.
4th Saturday Lunch – August 27 Helping
at our 4th Saturday lunches are a way you can contribute your time
and talent and also share a meal with people you might not otherwise ever meet. Everyone
has a story. Come eat with our guests,
learn about their stories, and share your stories with them. We need everyone’s support in this ongoing social
service program. There will be a signup
sheet in the Kate Wuerker for July’s meal.
Sign up to help or to bring food – or both. Sign up early so those organizing the lunch
won’t have to scramble at the last minute to get enough food. For the last couple months we’ve had 40 to 50 guests. Coordinators: August
– Mary Johnson / John Herndon Coordinator: September – Linda Van Zandt |
Offering General Information: One-half of the cash
collection and one-half of any
undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th
Sundays are given away to charitable causes.
The entire amount of a check
designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause. The money donated does not
include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver. The recipient for August’s Community Outreach Offering had not been determined by the time this newsletter was published. Watch your “This Week at Church” announcements for information regarding upcoming recipients. If you have an organization or group in mind that you believe would be a good match to receive our Community Outreach Offering, please contact our Social Justice Chairman, John Herndon. We’re Happy to Welcome into Church Membership … David Williams II and Wade Gibson who joined the church on July 10. (David) (Wade) Angie Payne and Debbie Miller who joined the church on July 17. Home
addresses and phone numbers are not given out in the online version of the
newsletter. Please check the printed
copy at church or contact people by email to get this information. |
The congregation offers its sympathy to the family of
Joseph Sutton who died July 2, 2011 at the age of 91. He had been very active in the church in the past and
served as church board president more than once. He was often involved in political and
grassroots efforts to bring about a better world. One of our church members, Ginger McCall writes, “At a
crucial time in the church, Joe took on the leadership role which helped the
congregation maintain stability.” Joe served in the U.S. Marine Corps during WWII and
after the war graduated from SE Missouri State University. He was an English teacher in the Joe is survived by his wife Sue, his son and
daughter-in-law Chris and Julia Sutton, his daughter Jan Harmon, and
grandchildren Emily and Max Sutton. A memorial service for Joe was held at church on July
7th. In Memoriam Rose Hoshiko, a much beloved and long-time member of our church community, passed away July 21st after a long illness. A reception was held in Rose's memory on Sunday, July 24th. Our thoughts and prayers
go out to Rose's husband Mike, their children, and their entire family. Cards and letters may be sent to: 7754 El
Pines Estates in In Memoriam Former member of our church, Dennis Nalick, passed away on Thursday, July 21st. Our thoughts and prayers are with Beth, Emma, Meredith, and the Nalick family at this difficult time. |
Church Directory Updates
Phone & email changes:
Liz Rogers Melanie Rogers Address & Phone change: Janice Joiner has a new address and phone number. Please contact her for it. Addresses and phone numbers are not given out
in the online version of the newsletter. Your Church Board 2011-2012 President – Sayer Johnson President Elect – Marty Moore Johnson Past President – Cheryle Tucker-Loewe Secretary – Sarah Lazarz Treasurer – Jerry Johnson Trustee – Jim Moore Trustee – Don Allen Youth Rep. – TBA Board meetings are held at 7 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each
month and are open to members of the congregation. |
Congratulations! to
Amanda Beneze and Sharon Opp! Amanda and Sharon were united in marriage on July 22, 2011 in the Sanctuary at First Unitarian Church of Alton. The Rev. Khleber Van Zandt officiated at this, his first Civil
Union Ceremony recognized by the State of Getting Acquainted With the Bailey Family The Bailey family,
Lou and Leah and their three little boys, Eliot, Dennis and baby Philip, are
among our newest members. The family lives
in Leah enjoys sewing
and knitting and is a Leader for the Florissant La Leche League group,
providing breastfeeding support to moms and babies. She stays very busy
home schooling her two older boys, Eliot who is in the 2nd grade and
Dennis who is in pre-school. Her home schooling
was partly responsible for their finding our church. Leah was in the same
home schooling group as Juliette Crone-Willis. Leah and Lou’s religious
backgrounds were Episcopal and Catholic, but they felt that neither was a good
fit for who they have become. Juliette suggested that they visit us and
invited them to come on the Sunday that the children performed the Tailor of
Gloucester. They immediately fell in love with the church and each time
they returned, the feeling of belonging became greater. They were happy,
too, that the boys really look forward to RE. Dennis particularly enjoyed
the Spirit Play class. Please welcome
Lou, Leah, Eliot, Dennis and Phillip Bailey to our church family. Mary Weber |
August RE Program News & Notes
Teaching Ministry—Our
Teaching Teams Are Ready For Fall! Thank you to all of the following who are prepared to teach (or substitute teach) our children and youth in the new church year!
2011-2012 Religious Education Program In order to insure that our
children are well grounded in the many different aspects of our religious
tradition, we have chosen three basic areas of religious education content that
we want our children to become familiar with.
We call these areas Pillars. On an annual basis, we rotate the focus of
our instruction from one pillar to the next.
Using this approach, our children can build on what they have already
learned, without structured learning becoming obviously repetitive. This
fall we switch our “Pillar” from World
Religions and Wisdom Tradition to
Growing Souls. Whereas previous pillars have an outward focus, our third pillar has a bias toward an inward focus. What do I
believe? How should I act? What are my
responsibilities as part of an interconnected web of all living things? This pillar has an emphasis on acting out our
Unitarian Universalist values and using our awareness to promote right
relationship with ourselves, our community, and all humankind. We develop personal spirituality, explore
justice issues, celebrate diversity among us, and connect with and care for the
natural environment in which we live. Religious Education Parent and Teacher
Orientation Watch
the weekly church bulletin e-mails for the date and time for this informative
evening; light supper and childcare provided.
We will cover what’s new in RE for this year and much else besides! Nametags for Kids! Please
order name tags for children and youth and remind them to wear them to RE
activities—this will help our new teachers and other adults get to know our
kids better REgistration for 2011-2012 Unless
you registered very recently, we will be asking all parents to update their
family’s information this year. Thanks
for your help. Painting Volunteers We need to paint one
classroom this year before Ingathering.
Any volunteers? See Steven Mead. |
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