Congregation established 1836


Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. August 2009

August 2nd

"Shades of blue:  

One person’s journey to live an authentic life"

Sayer Johnson

Sayer will share his story trying to live authentically within the binary gender spectrum. He will share personal details of his decision to live the life he feels like he was born to live, and share stories from his life showing how they relate to navigating through his transition. The documentary film "Transparent" will be shown following the service.  Sayer is a proud Papi and partner.  He has been a part of the First Unitarian community for about a year and a half.  He participates in the Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle and loves being a part of such a great church.


August 9th

“Ritual:  Building Human Communities”

Stacey Wolff

What would life be without ritual? People the world over from the distant past through the present have grown communities filled with the richness, comfort, and beauty of ritual. In light of this, ritual might be seen as a definitively human endeavor that brings comfort and joy throughout our lives. Stacey is an instructor of English at Lewis and Clark Community College, a member of First Unitarian Church of Alton, and member of Confluence Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS).


To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567

August 23rd

Coming Out Whole

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt

National Coming Out Day is in October, but it’s important to remember its significance year-round.  Millions of people have chosen to live their lives as ‘out and open’ - mostly wanting to know they’re not alone in this world.  Isn’t that what we all want?  Without it, we might as well all be strangers.


August 23rd

Everyday Use”

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt

Alice Walker’s short story, “Everyday Use,” challenges our ideas about family, refinement, and our own identities as well as the identity of God.  Through Walker’s riff on the meaning given to quilts, we look beyond the superficial names we like to call ourselves and consider our real connections to the past in order to understand our present more deeply.  If you’d like to read “Everyday Use” before this sermon, it can be purchased in any bookstore or found for free by searching for it on  We will also have a few copies available at church.


August 30th

Room for Mystery

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt

Many of us fall prey to the belief that we can know all there is to know.  Yes, our base of human knowledge expands each day, but it often seems the more we know, the less we understand.  Instead of fearing the mystery, perhaps we can celebrate it.  This Sunday, Dr. Leon Burke III, choir director of Eliot Chapel, will join us for worship and share with us his considerable musical talents.

Adult Religious Enrichment (ARE)

Sunday mornings @ 9:30 am in

Emerson Place

Childcare is available.


August   2nd     To be announced.

August   9th      Non Theist/Humanist Group

August 16th     UU World Magazine discussion

August 23rd     A New Beginning: Another Year of Adult Religious Enrichment,
 a discussion of the coming year.

August 30th      To be announced.





Mark Your Calendars:

A Quick Guide to this Month’s Happenings




Sun,      Aug.   2 – Fair Trade Coffee sales; Spiral Scouts; Film “Transparent” – after church

Wed.,   Aug.   5 – Green Sky Sangha – 7 pm

Sun.,    Aug.   9 – Growth Committee; Choir practice – after church

Tues.,   Aug. 11 – Board meeting – 7 pm

Wed.,   Aug. 12 – Green Sky Sangha – 7 pm

Thurs., Aug. 13 – Men’s Lunch Group – 11:30 am

Fri.,      Aug. 14 – Pagan Chalice Circle – 6 pm

Fri.,      Aug. 14 – Sleep-over for RE Rummage Sale – 8 pm

Sat.,     Aug. 15 – RE Rummage Sale – 8 am to 1 pm

Sat.,     Aug. 15 – Renegade Women Chalice Circle  –2 pm

Sun.,    Aug. 16 – Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle  – 12 noon

Wed.,   Aug. 19 – Green Sky Sangha – 7 pm

Thurs., Aug. 20 – Pastoral Care Team – 6 pm

Fri.,      Aug. 21 – Dao Ceremony – 6 - 8 pm, contact Cliff Carter for further information.

Sat.,     Aug. 22 – 4th Saturday Lunch – 12 noon

Sun.,    Aug. 23 – Potluck; choir practice,  Stewardship Committee meeting  – after church

Tues.,   Aug. 25 – Men’s Chalice Circle – 7 pm

Wed.,   Aug. 26 – Green Sky Sangha – 7 pm

Thurs.,  Aug. 27 – Choir practice – 7 pm

Fri.,      Aug. 28 – Newcomers Party – 7:30 pm

Sat.,     Aug. 29 – Roles & Responsibilities Workshop  – 10 am to 4 pm

Mon.,   Aug. 31 – Alton Area Cluster meeting at church  – 7 pm

    A First Glance

In late June, Linda and I were scheduled to attend the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly in Salt Lake City, so we flew out a day early to visit all the sights. We dipped our toes in the Great Salt Lake, peered down into the Kennecott Copper Mine, and drove up to Park City to see where the Sundance Film Festival lives. We even walked up the hill above the Utah State Capital building and looked out over the vast plain that the early Mormon pioneers must have seen in all its pristine beauty. No longer pristine, the highways and subdivisions and accoutrements of human settlement stretch out almost as far as one can see. But - for this flatlander, at least - the mountains surrounding the high desert flats still paint a picture of immense beauty.


When the pre-GA meetings began with my colleagues and Linda’s minister’s spouse/partner colleagues, we shifted out of our touristy gears and into searching out some old friends and making a few new ones as well. It’s always good to catch up with what’s happening around the country in our far-flung churches – even if we’re not a mega-movement, we’re a diverse and exciting one.


Linda had to come home before GA got formally started, but I stayed for the dizzying array of activities and workshops and plenary sessions, making sure to attend all the worship services that are the highlight of GA for me. In my years of attending GA, I have been most moved by the Service of the Living Tradition.


That traditional Friday night worship service at General Assembly honors those in our professional ministry who’ve reached some milestone. One of the more affecting moments for me during the service each year is the reading of the names of ministers who’ve died in the previous twelve months. This year, as the names of those who had gone before were read, I sat on the stage with the bass section of the choir, all the way up against the back wall of the huge convention hall, and looked out on the thousands of UUs in attendance. Some of the names and photographs of the deceased were familiar to me:  Max Coots, Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley, Martha Newman. Others were colleagues unknown to me though they had labored in the same mission fields as I.


After the list of the dead was read, the worship leader invoked a moment of silence. Somewhere in the distance, with the names of my predecessors still echoing through the hall, a tiny baby began to cry. And I thought of the words of Antoine de St. Exupery, “In a house which becomes a home, one hands down and another takes up the heritage of mind and heart, laughter and tears, musings and deeds. We live, not by things, but by the meanings of things. It is needful to transmit the passwords from generation to generation.”


In the coming church year, let us pledge to transmit the passwords to the next generations as we work to keep this community vibrant and alive for today and tomorrow.


Wishing you and yours some rest and relaxation during the dog days of summer,


Message from Jennifer

There’s a church close to my house that I drive by at least once a day.  For the longest time the sign out front read, “The wages of sin are death.  Repent before payday.”  After awhile, I started to turn my head as I drove by to keep from reading the message.  I thought about how very happy I was that I didn’t have to walk into that building on Sunday morning.


This “doomsday” sign got me thinking how fortunate I am to have such a great place to walk into on Sunday morning.  Instead of being greeted with death threats, a banner declaring that love and not laws makes marriage hangs in front of the church.  Our board displays positive messages about love and living a valuable life.


I am honored to be the president of the board of such a great church.  Before joining this church, I hadn’t attended church since my parents made me go in high school.  I grew up in Kansas City, Missouri and was actually married by a Unitarian minister after I graduated from law school.   He invited me to his church, but my aversion to the word “church” kept me from even considering it at the time.


I came to St. Louis 12 years ago.  With caution, I started looking for a church after my daughter Riana was born in 2004.  In 2007 I added my son Javion, and in 2008 my foster son Justin, who will hopefully be a permanent part of our family.  This church has definitely become family to us in ways I never thought a church could be.  I hope to serve you all well as its president over the next year.   

Jennifer Herndon

Board President



Interest Group Gatherings


Green Sky Sangha

Green Sky Sangha Group meets every Wednesday at 7 pm and invites anyone interested in meditation to join them. No prior knowledge of meditation is required.  The group practices various forms of meditation and discusses ideas related to Buddhism.   

Dee Evans

AFRICAN DRUM.jpg Community Women’s Drum Circle
Changes its Schedule


The Women's Community Drum Circle will now meet only four times per year – around Equinox and Solstice.  The next meeting will be Sunday, September 20th at 6 pm.  They will not meet in August.

                                                                                                Layne A. Simpson



Anna Ds summerbreak_f.jpg


The Anna Ds Women’s Alliance will not meet during July and August.  Their next meeting will be on Thursday, September 3rd hosted at church by Mary Weber.





Spiral Scouts


Spiral Scouts will meet at noon on AUGUST 2nd.   They will meet regularly on the first Sunday of each month.  Contact Kristen O’Steen for further information.




Mens group.jpg

Men’s Lunch Group


All the men in the church

are invited to attend.


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet on Thursday, August 13th at the St. Louis Buffet, 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL.   Contact Nelson Shaner for further details .

FlowerPower.jpg EVERYONE is invited to the Newcomers Party on Friday, August 28th at 7:30 pm


The Party will have a ‘60s theme.  Costumes are optional, but would be fun.  Anyone with recordings from that era would be welcome to bring them to play at times.  Also we will do another “Name that Tune” game so Brynda McCoy is looking for musical volunteers to play snippets from popular songs from that decade – just let Brynda know what you will play.


Non-newcomers are asked to bring some sort of snack finger food.  The church will provide soft drinks.  If desired, other drinks may be brought as well.  Childcare will be available and children’s activities will be planned.


If anyone has an item to donate for a game prize let Brenda know.  Volunteers will also be needed to help with set up and clean up.


A signup sheet will be available in the Kate Wuerker Room on the 2nd of August. 


If you have questions, or for further information, please contact Brynda McCoy.


Donations for Oasis Women’s Shelter


The following items are needed by the Oasis Women’s Shelter.  Please bring your donations during August and put them in the collection bin in the RE Foyer.


Liquid detergent

Diapers sizes 4 – 5 – 6

Diaper sacks

Baby wipes

Hand sanitizer


Toilet paper

Paper towels

African American hair care products

Personal care items

Black ball point pens


Treasury Note


Our total Income for the 2008-2009 church fiscal year was $143,210.43, which is 3.74% over budget.


Our total expenses for the 2008-2009 church fiscal year were $139,349.56, which is 0.94% over budget.


This year’s surplus of $3,860.87 was primarily due to the congregation-approved transfer of $4000 from the Endowment Fund. The fact that we used only about $140 of that money means that most of it can be applied to erasing our long-term deficit. Since I closed the books on the fiscal year, we have received $930 which can be applied to 2008-2009 pledges. These payments will also be added to our surplus and used to pay down the deficit. Our deficit now stands at $1447, down from $6238.


During the last weekend in June, it became apparent that there was something wrong with at least one of our air-conditioning units. This was verified on June 30th, when a repairman from Barrett Heating and Cooling discovered that the compressor in the A/C for the R.E. wing was burned out. Fortunately, the unit was under warrantee, so we will only have to pay for the labor.  I have received a bill for the diagnosis, cleaning, and repair of the problem, totaling $693.24. This represents over 10% of our Building & Grounds budget – an unfortunate hit so early in the fiscal year.


A New Way To Make Your Financial Contribution to the Church


The church is now offering to deduct monthly pledge payments from members' bank accounts or from their Mastercard or Visa cards.  To apply for this, one needs to fill out, sign, and turn in an authorization form, of which I have copies at church. I take these forms and enter the data into an online system, which sets up the payment. I need the information on the signed form, because from time to time I will be audited to verify that I actually have the authorization form. If the deduction is to be from one's checking account, a voided check must be attached. If you plan to use your credit card, it would be nice if you could increase the payment amount by 2% or 3%, since the credit card companies charge us 2.75% for their services – so we only receive 97.25% of the payment.


 Jerry Johnson, Treasurer



UU Pagan Chalice Circle

Friday, August 14th at church

6 to 8 pm.

Contact Kristen O’Steen.



Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle

Saturday, August 15th at church

2 to 4 pm. 

Contact Marcia Custer.



Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle

Sunday, August 16th– 12:00 to 1:30 pm in Emerson Place at church.
Contact: Diane Thompson or Cheryle Tucker-Loewe.



Men's Chalice Circle

Tuesday,  August 25th – 7 pm at church.

Contact: Khleber Van Zandt.







Please contact your Pastoral Care Team Leader or Rev. Khleber Van Zandt if there are concerns that need to be brought to their attention.   If you do not know if you are connected with a Pastoral Care Team, please contact Marcia Custer.






See full size imageChurch Committee Meetings This Month


Growth Committee                 – Sunday, August 9th – 11:40 am.

Pastoral Care Team Leaders – Thursday, August 20th – 6 pm.

Stewardship Committee         – Sunday, August 23rd  – 11:40 am.

See full size imagePotluck Lunch

August 23rd 


Bring a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and fellowship!  Please bring a dish that serves at least 6 to 8 people. 


When at all possible, in an effort to be more conscious of the environment and to reduce the trash that our church might add to the ever growing area landfills, we are using the church’s china plates instead of disposable ones.


A-Mc will do Clean Up

M-Z will do Table Set Up







Please bring in your empty ink jet cartridges for recycling and place them in the bin in the foyer.


Parents:  Please check your email for your re-registration forms for this year's Religious Education classes.


The Youth Group will be hosting the annual rummage sale on August 8.  Donations are being accepted until August 7.  Please come out on that morning to support them in their efforts.



4th Saturday Lunch –

A Social Justice Venture


Saturday, August 22nd is the date of our next 4th Saturday Lunch for those in need of a meal.  A signup sheet will be available so you can decide what you would like to bring.  The Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle will be coordinating this month’s lunch.


Our lunch buffet line opens at 12 noon.  We ask that if you are bringing food that you arrive at least by 11:45 am.  Set-up help is welcome anytime after 10:30 am and cleanup help is always needed after lunch is over.


If you have questions contact Diane Thompson.

Musicians Wanted!


We are looking for individual and group musicians to perform on Sundays when the choir does not sing.   Anyone interested in sharing their musical talents with the congregation, or who has a suggestion of someone outside our church community who would be willing to play “pro bono” please contact Willis McCoy





Church Photos now in Alton Museum


Alton Unitarian Church built in the 1850s –  photo from the 1880s


The Alton Museum of History and Art now has two photos on display of our historic church.   Thanks to Brynda McCoy’s visiting the Museum and noticing that there were old photos of many of Alton’s churches, but none of ours, she arranged for two photographs … one from the 1800s (above) and one from the early 1900s (current building) to be given to the museum for its collection.   The Museum is located near the Dental School at 2809 College Ave. and is open Wednesday – Sunday from 10 am – 4 pm.   Admission is $3.00 and Brenda says it is well worth the time to go and learn more about our Alton heritage.




Election Results from the UUA General Assembly


The Rev. Peter Morales, senior minister of Jefferson UnitarianChurch in Golden, CO, was elected to be the eighth president of the Unitarian Universalist Association at the Association’s General Assembly in Salt Lake City in late June.  The term is for four years.


Rev. Morales received a total of 2,061 votes.   His opponent, the Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman, formerly senior minister of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas, TX received a total of 1481 votes.

happy_birthday.gifMost people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their birthday.  Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month.  If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green ( and give her that information.


  1 August – Atticus Rebmann (2005)

  3 August – Akilah Hudson (2002)

  4 August – Jim Elliott

  5 August – Emily Loucks (1995)

  7 August – Jack McCall

10 August – Lorna McElhone

10 August – Bev Carter

14 August – Lily Tade (1995)

16 August – Anna Whitaker (1996)

23 August – Paul Hebert

24 August – Amelia McCarthy (1996)

29 August – Corbin Prado (2005)

29 August – Marilyn Prado (2005)





 Sayer Johnson

Sharon Johnson


If your personal information (phone, address, email) changes, please notify the church office so we can keep our records current. 








 We have openings for sopranos, altos, tenors, baritones, basses … and any voices in-between.


We rehearse on the 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings at 7 pm, and on the 2nd and 4th Sundays after church.  This is so all choir members will have an opportunity to rehearse at least twice a month.


For more info. contact Willis McCoy or show up for a rehearsal.


Outreach Offering


General Information:  One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes.  The entire amount of checks designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.  The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver.


The listing below shows where your money was given during the 2008-2009 church year.  The total distributed was $4801.75


July                – Alton Food Pantry – $203

July 31/Aug. 3 – Vigil Against Violence - Knoxville Fund – $374

August           – Local Salvation Army – $151.50

September      – Oasis Women’s Shelter – $175

October          – UUA Association Sunday – $460

November      – La Vista Garden shares for low-income families – $1030.50

December 14 – Alton Food Pantry – $47.50

December 28 – Oasis Women’s Shelter – $145.50

January          – Unitarian Universalist Service Committee – $287.50

February        – Work Trip to Louisiana/Southern Mutual Help Association – $520.25

March            – SIUE Poetry Correspondence Program – $243.50

April              – Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council – $723

May               – Land of Lincoln Legal Aid – $290.50

June               – Madison County National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – $150


August’s Community Outreach Offering will go to the Oasis Women’s Shelter, plus there will be a collection taken of items needed by the women at the Shelter.  (See list elsewhere in newsletter.)




As children head back to school, please remember that good nutrition is important for good learning.  Your contributions to the Alton Crisis Food Center help families provide balanced meals for their children.

Jen Politsch


With the death of Virginia Russo on June 28, 2009, our church lost a beloved member.  Virginia was born in Ohio in 1910 and moved to the Alton area in the late 1940s with her husband, Joe Russo.  They joined the Alton Unitarian Church in 1955 and became very active members of the congregation. Virginia taught in the East Alton school system until her retirement.  She was involved in numerous community endeavors, and she and Joe were some of the earliest members of the local Sierra Club.   


Memorials may be made to an organization of one’s choice.






Looking for a Few Good Men & Women


Those of you who have leadership abilities and the spiritual call to offer their service for the good of our church, are invited to apply for Board, Committee Chair, and Ad Hoc Task Force Leadership positions that are continually available. The Nominating Committee will offer orientation workshops and leadership training and support throughout the year. Members, new and long-term, are welcome to apply. Each position has its own commitment requirements, so please inquire about the details. Applications are available in a marked envelope on the sign-up table in the Wuerker Room. Completed applications can be submitted to Becky Green, Church Office Manager, in a sealed envelope and either placed in her mailbox in the church hallway across from the nursery or mailed directly to her at: First Unitarian Church, P.O. Box 494 Alton, IL 62002. The Nominating Committee will interview all applicants.


Nominating Committee,

John Herndon, Chair

Beth Nalick    

Marcia Custer

Mike Fischer signed the membership book on Sunday, July 19th.  Please introduce yourself to him and make him feel welcomed.  Mike’s address/phone are available in the printed issue of the newsletter.






kids.gifDear Parents and Friends,


We are planning a fall opening ceremony in Children’s Chapel that you all need to be aware of the summer.  We will be doing a Water Communion Ceremony to open our first Chapel service in September.  This is a tradition in many UU churches where people bring water that holds a special summer memory for them.  This water and that memory are then shared with the congregation.


All children are invited to bring in a small bottle of water, rock, or shell from some special summer day to our Children’s Chapel in September.  All of the children will be invited to share what made that day so special to them, and the water will then be put into our bowl that we use for the sharing of Joys and Concerns.  The rocks or shells will be used to place into the water when the Joys and Concerns are shared.  The children will then have the option of leaving their rock or shell with us to use during future Chapels or taking it back home with them after service.


Please keep this project in mind as you are traveling and creating special memories with your families.  I look forward to hearing about all of these wonderful times when our fall Religious Education Chapels start up again.

Thank you, Jamie Gross



Newsletter Deadline

Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Editor AND to the Church office.

First Unitarian Church (618) 462-2462

PO Box 494, Alton, IL 62002


Editor: Mary Johnson







UU and You!

An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism


This three-session adult education course will be led by our minister, The Rev. Khleber Van Zandt.


Here you will be introduced to the ideas, history, and people that make up the First Unitarian Church of Alton, and the Free Church Tradition of which Unitarianism and Universalism are a part.  Learning about the church and its traditions is a first step towards involvement in a community of faith dedicated to the preservation of religious freedom and the uplifting of the human spirit.


We will explore together the difference between the orthodox and the liberal ways in religion, as well as a brief history of the Western church.  You will learn about our approach to religion and the core ideas of Unitarianism and Universalism.  You will also learn something of the rich and enduring history of the First Unitarian Church of Alton.


Hopefully you will also learn something about yourself and the things you value and the things you believe, as well as meet and learn about other newcomers who are on the same pilgrimage of self-discovery.


DATES & TIMES for UU and You!


Monday evening, Sept. 14th – 7:00 to 9:00

Monday evening, Sept. 21st – 7:00 to 9:00

Monday evening, Sept. 28th – 7:00 to 9:00


There will be a signup sheet at church or let the church administrator know by calling (618) 462-2462 or emailing by Friday, September 11th.  Free childcare will be provided if arranged when you indicate your intention to attend the UU & You! classes.

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