Congregation established 1836


Newsletter for
Members and Friends of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

May 2005

May 1st

“Keeping the Moral Books”

The Rev. Krista Taves

How often we measure our worth as human beings by that moral account book we hold before ourselves! How does this practice hold us accountable for our choices, and how might it hold us back from living as fully as we can?


Rev. Taves is the Interim Minister at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans. She has only recently come to the United States. She completed her ministerial preparation at the Toronto School of Theology. Past ministries include hospital chaplaincy, parish ministry, and consulting ministry, all in Canada.


May 8th

“Mother’s Day Flower Communion”

Khleber M. Van Zandt V

It’s time to bring a few of your flowers with you to church. This Mother’s Day we’ll recreate the Flower Communion started in Czechoslovakia in 1923. Come join in this old Unitarian ritual and share the bounty of springtime with us!


May 15th

“Voices: The Tales that Guide Us”

Peg Flach and BJ Hotson

This service will blend selected monologues sensitive to the UU Principles - especially acceptance of one another, encouragement to spiritual growth and respect for the interdependent web of all existence.


BJ was a religious education participant at First Unitarian church of Alton and is currently a theatre performance major at SIUE. Peg is a longtime Alton UU/speech language pathologist/sometime actor, and BJ’s mother.

May 22nd

“How Death Informs Life”

The Rev. Susan Palmquist

In this sermon Rev. Palmquist will explore how a healthy openness to the realities of death help us to live a more full and meaningful life. She will draw upon the book, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, the movie, Antonia’s Line, and her own work as a hospital chaplain.


Rev. Palmquist has worked as a hospital chaplain at BJC hospice for the past 8 years. Prior to doing her clinical work at Barnes-Jewish she was a pastor in various United Methodist churches in Ohio. She says that “My work with hospice patients and families from many different religious traditions - as well as non religious people has led me to a broader spirituality from my Christian roots.” She has been attending the First Unitarian Church in St. Louis for the past 7 years and she is in the early stages of seeking ministerial fellowship in the Unitarian Universalist Association.


May 29th

“Remembering Battlers for Peace”

Dr. Ronald Glossop

On this Memorial Day weekend Ron will discuss the need to remember with gratitude not only those who have fought for peace and justice in the military but also those who have sought to advance peace and justice in other ways. Who are these other battlers for peace who deserve to be remembered?


Additional Sunday Morning Programming

9:30 a.m.



May 1st - FORUM - A Good Death

Led by Jim Elliott

Come prepared to discuss your concept of a good death. Charles Lindbergh checked out of his hospital and spent his last days in Hawaii. What about the Oregon plan, physician assisted suicide? Or are you willing to let your hospital or government agency decide when it is time to die?



Led by Ted and Pam Loucks


May 15th - ADULT RE

Led by Gerry Gilman

An ongoing study of the book by Dr. John Buehrens entitled Understanding the Bible.


May 22 - FORUM - “A Good Death, Part Two”

Led by Jim Elliott

A discussion of Living Wills and Durable Power of Atorney. 


May 29 - FORUM - “What do you say to Iraq?” Led by Marcia Salisbury

Marcia will share her views on the second Iraq war and our attempts to install a friendly democratic government





We will be holding lay-led summer services at 10:30 a.m. starting on June 19th and going through August 14th (excluding July 3rd). Services will be held in the Wuerker Room. An interesting variety of programs are being planned.


Just like for our regular church year services we will need volunteers, especially to prepare coffee and bring refreshments. Please help the summer services go smoothly by signing up to help on one or more Sundays.

The Congregation Calls

Khleber M. Van Zandt V

as its Minister


On April 3rd, at a special church business meeting, the members present unanimously voted approval of the motion to call Khleber Van Zandt as our new minister. He will begin his formal ministry with us on July 1st, but will also be in our pulpit several Sundays between now and July.


We welcome Khleber as our minister and look forward to his being with us.


You may check the church homepage ( for additional information about Khleber.






Pledge Drive Goal



If you haven’t returned your pledge card, please do so today.






Annual Church

Membership Meeting

Friday, May 20th

7:30 p.m.


Every member of the church is encouraged to attend this annual meeting where the year’s activities will be recapped, new board members elected, the new church year’s budget approved, and a bylaws change voted on. An opportunity will be available for members to discuss ideas and make suggestions for activities and programs for the new church year. Childcare will be available and dessert provided.




May 5th - Anna Ds - 12 noon at Audrey Wiseman’s.


May 10th - Men’s Lunch Group - 11:30 a.m. at the China Buffet.


May 10th - Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m.


May 20th - Annual Church Membership Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - At church


Changes Proposed to the Church Bylaws


Two changes have been proposed for Article IX, Section 3 of the church bylaws regarding standing committees. The proposed changes will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting on May 20th.


The Church Board approved adding Stewardship as a standing committee. Stewardship is about taking care of something we value and enabling it to grow. When we become stewards, we take responsibility and contribute our time, talent and treasure. The Stewardship Committee would have, as one of its responsibilities, the annual church canvass.


The second bylaw change is changing the name of the Ministerial Relations Committee to the Committee on Ministry. This change in name reflects the larger mission of the committee. Initially, the original members of the Ministerial Search Committee will serve on this committee, gradually leaving the committee to be replaced by other church members.


If approved, the changed part of Section 3 would then read:

“… Standing committees include: Building and Grounds, Finance, Growth, Members, Religious Education, Worship, Personnel, Stewardship, and the Committee on Ministry…”

Interested in a

Book Discussion Group?


If you’d be interested in being in a book discussion group please email Mona Hebert

With the following information:


·         the kind of book(s) you’d be interested in reading/discussing or a specific title;

·         when a good time to meet would be (e.g., Sundays after church, a mid-week evening, a Friday or Saturday night);

·         if a meal should be included

·         how often you think a book discussion group should meet

·         any other information about having a book discussion group that you’d like to include.







Dr. John Hoad’s first book!


Dr. John Hoad, Leader Emeritus of the St. Louis Ethical Society, and regular Sunday morning speaker at our church for several years, has published his first book.


The 207 page book, entitled,

“The Fire Dance of Carnations

-   Lyrics of Love”

-   has just been published by AuthorHouse and can be obtained through their website ( or by phone (800-839-8640) for $10.75 or from retail outlets like Amazon or Barnes & Nobel for $13.50.


Congratulations John!!

RE News




Dear Parents and Friends,

This RE year is quickly drawing to a close. This being the case, it is time to look ahead to next year. We will be having a preview meeting on May 1 after the service. This meeting is open to anyone, not just parents, who are interested in what we will be teaching next year. This is also a very good time for anyone who is interested in teaching for next year to sign up. The earlier you sign up, the more options you have on what to teach. Lunch will be served during this meeting, so please RSVP to as soon as possible. You can also contact me directly.


I would also like to remind parents and caregivers of a new policy that was started this year. Any child in the preschool or primary class needs to be picked up by an adult before coffee hour starts. This ensures that the teachers and I know that the correct child went with the correct parent, and that the parent knows where that child is. It is important to come before coffee hour as our teachers are volunteers and we need to respect their time and coffee needs.


Within the next few weeks, I will have information available about the Heifer International Read-To-Feed program that will be available to our kids over the summer. This is a read-a-thon where people pledge for the kids to read many books that relate to our UU principles and purposes or the Heifer International program. The money raised will go to Heifer International to purchase animals to give to people in need in developing countries.


As always I welcome any questions or feedback that any of you, again not just parents, may have.


Thank you,

Jamie Gross

Men’s Lunch Group


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 10th at the Chinese Buffet at 2610 Homer Adams Parkway in Alton. This lunch meeting is planned as a regular event on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.






Photographs to be in Church Directory


Beginning in May, a famous “art photographer,” David Wiseman will be photographing members and friends whose names appear, or will appear in our next annual Church Directory. A sign-up sheet will be available on the sign-up-table in the Wuerker Room. If possible, all photography will take place on Sunday mornings during coffee hour. Please help make this a 100% effort. Children will not be photographed with their parents, but rather as a group.


Marcia Custer

Member Services Committee






Anna Ds


The Anna D. Sparks Women's Alliance will meet at noon at Audrey Wiseman’s home on May 5th for their monthly luncheon. All women in the church are welcome. For further information please call Lorli Nelson.

A Quote to Remember


This quote from Bob Hawkins is still on the chalkboard at SIUE, although Bob died 6 ½ years ago.


In the midst of the winter of my life, I find strength in knowing there is in me, an eternal summer.”






Flower Communion on May 8th


Please remember to bring flowers with you to church on May 8th to share during the Sunday service.



More Remembrances of

Dot Hull and Dudley Giberson


Dorothy (Sissy) Milnor wrote in a recent note …

“Dottie Hull was the dearest, sweetest, most worthwhile person I have known.” She goes on,

“Dudley and his father, his mother, his entire family, have meant so much to our whole family. It has been a multigenerational friendship and support; and the world was enriched by the works of Dottie and Dudley.”




In Our Church Family


Our sympathy and thoughts go out to Jim Elliott, whose older brother died in April.


Also in our thoughts is William Winter, whose wife Sona, a long-time member of the Anna Ds, died in March.





Sunday Pot Luck Lunch



May 22nd - the 4th Sunday


Bring a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and fellowship.


A-L will do Table Set Up

M-Z will do Clean Up


Everyone will be responsible for setting food out on the buffet table.


Happy Birthday! 




Here are the names of church members and friends who are celebrating birthdays this month. If this is ‘your month’ and your name didn’t get included, we’re sorry. For future months please let Mary Johnson know your birth month and day. (


2 May - Bill Dittmann

7 May - Amy Murray

9 May - Andrea Gross (1999)

12 May - Marcia Salisbury

16 May - Rose Hoshiko

22 May - Carl Mugge

26 May - Audrey Wiseman

27 May - Diane White

31 May - Davona Paul













Deadline: Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Church office AND to the Editor.

First Unitarian Church (618) 462-2462

PO Box 494, Alton, IL 62002


Editor: Mary Johnson




New Members




(C: Benjamin, Guy, and Jane)



(C: Emma Ray)




New Address



New Email










New Phone Number



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