Congregation established 1836


Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister

April, 2011


                                      9:30 am and 11:00 am                                    


April 3

The Idolatry of Inerrancy

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


We religious liberals often look askance at those who take sacred texts literally and uncritically as “the inerrant word of God.”  How is it possible, then, that we’d ever fall prey to the same failings?



April 10

Time Between Times

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


For everything, there is a season.  Sometimes we cling to the safety of the known order.  Sometimes we yearn to reach out toward becoming our best selves.  Which will you choose today – clinging or yearning?



April 17

  **Earth Day Celebration**

“Taking the Pulse of the Planet”

Wayne Politsch


We will explore the current impact population and consumption has on the planet's ecosystems.  The "faith communities" have a critical link in making the transition to a vital planet for the next generation.  Get it wrong and we become fossils.

Thursday April 21

**Tenebrae Service**

7:30 pm

 A Lifeline in the Abyss

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Tenebrae is a service acknowledging the shadows of life.  In the darkness of a candlelight worship service, we’ll read from the Passion narratives, recite the names of those who have died recently, and partake of Communion in our tradition: bread and wine shared in silence at a table open to all.

Please gather in the Kate Wuerker Room before the 7:30 hour and we’ll enter the worship space together at the appropriate time.



April 24

**Easter Sunday**

Intergenerational Worship 

Paul’s Lawless Revelation

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


While building congregations in far-flung edges of the Roman Empire, the Apostle Paul was not immune to the human temptation to drive wedges between neighbors.  Near the end of his letter to his followers in Galatia, though, he experiences a moment of awareness of the Empire of God such as Jesus had described it in parables.

What are you doing Sunday mornings?


Are you taking the opportunity that our church offers to grow in mind, body and spirit?  You can attend a worship service, attend a lively discussion group, or spend a quiet period in meditation.  Review your choices and make the decision to participate in one of the early morning activities at church.



Adult Religious Enrichment (ARE)

Sunday mornings @ 9:30 in

Emerson Place.

Childcare is available.



April 3rd - Humanist/Non-theist Group Conclusion of Chapter 3 of “Good Without God” by Greg Epstein.


April 10th - DVD Series: Lost Christianities with Dr. Bart Ehrman (kindly provided by Jerry Johnson).


April 17th - Dr. Ron Glossop: We will discuss the philosophy of René Descartes (1596-1650), "The Father of Modern Philosophy."  His dualistic view that there are two different kinds of things, the physical and the mental, aimed to save Christian ideas from the implications of modern scientific discoveries, but he couldn't explain how these two different kinds of things could interact with each other.


April 24th - Ethical Eating with Marcie Nagle



Green Sky Sangha Meditation

Sunday mornings from 10:10 to 10:45 am

 in Room 5

on the lower level of the RE wing.

Childcare is available.



During the temporary absence of the Meditation Leaders, formal Sunday meditation is suspended through March.  However anyone may use the room to meditate if they wish.

    A First Glance

They’re difficult to watch, those video clips from Japan that chronicle the massive earthquake and resultant tsunami on March 11.  So much devastation over so vast an area in such a short time.  How anyone escaped, even with a high-tech tsunami warning system in place, is hard to imagine.

The casualty numbers are bound to rise.  They are doing so as I write, in fact, as more and more bodies wash ashore and rescue workers plow their way through rubble and mud armed with heavy equipment, hand shovels, and hope.

Stories of miraculous survival are already rife.  One guy was found clinging to the rooftop of his house two days after the tsunami.   His house – with him on it – was several miles out to sea when he was spotted waving a little red flag in the air.

Tales of bravery will abound, too, no doubt.  Everyday people rise to great challenge far more often than we tend to imagine in our more cynical moments.  I don’t know whether the Japanese penchant for stoicism equates with bravery, or whether it’s simply something I’ll never understand.

An example:  I heard one report of a young woman who had been living in the disaster zone.  With all communication cut off and transportation almost impossible, it took her several days to get to her parents’ home in Tokyo.  When she showed up at their door, the parents were very excited to see that she was still alive.  The non-Japanese reporter expressed wonder when she heard the flash of emotion in their voices trail off after a short moment.  More than that, the reporter was shocked that there was never any touching among the mother, father, and daughter – just bowing to each other over and over.  Ah, culture.

Such a disaster can bring into question our most basic assumptions.  I saw one lady tell her story of leaving home just in time to get to safety, and finish it up by saying that she wasn’t sure whether it was a good thing to have survived or not.  With all the anxieties out there right now, there must be many of us feeling similarly.

As the late UU minister Forrest Church wrote, “We are one, and we are blessed.”  Even as we pray for the Japanese and for the freedom fighters in the Middle East and for all those in fearful situations in these anxious times, we must remember to take care of those near at hand as well. 

In these troubled times, be gentle with yourself.  Count your blessings, even when they seem in short supply.  And take time to breathe:  the rest of us need you more than you may realize.


See you in church,


UU and You! 1.0

An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism


This three-session adult education course will be led by our minister, The Rev. Khleber Van Zandt.


Here you will be introduced to the ideas, history, and people that make up the First Unitarian Church of Alton, and the Free Church Tradition of which Unitarianism and Universalism are a part.  Learning about the church and its traditions is a first step towards involvement in a community of faith dedicated to the preservation of religious freedom and the uplifting of the human spirit.


We will explore together the difference between the orthodox and the liberal ways in religion, as well as a brief history of the Western church. You will learn about our approach to religion and the core ideas of Unitarianism and Universalism.  You will also learn something of the rich and enduring history of the First Unitarian Church of Alton. 


Hopefully you will also learn something about yourself and the things you value and the things you believe, as well as meet and learn about other newcomers who are on the same pilgrimage of self-discovery.


DATES & TIMES for UU and You! 1.0


Tuesday – April 5 – 7 to 9 pm

Tuesday – April 12 – 7 to 9 pm

Tuesday – April 19 – 7 to 9 pm


There will be a signup sheet at church or let the church administrator know that you’ll be attending this series by calling (618) 462-2462 or emailing by Friday, April 1st.  Free childcare will be provided if arranged when you indicate your intention to attend the UU & You! classes.




UU & You! 3.0 will be offered four Tuesday evenings in May

May 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th




Fifty-Plus (50+) Chalice Circle – Saturday, April 2nd from 10:30 am to noon – At Church. Contact Brynda McCoy if you plan to attend.  New members are welcome.  Those who wish to can go out to eat together after the meeting.


Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle

Saturday , April 16thfrom 2 to 4 pm – At Church.    Contact: Beth Bourland.


Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle

Sunday, April 17 th from 12:15 to 1:30 pm –

In Emerson Place at Church – Contact: Diane Thompson or Sayer Johnson.


Belleville Chalice Circle

Thursday , April 21st at 7 pm – At the home of Jan and Don Allen in Belleville
Contact: Don or Jan.


Men's Chalice Circle

Tuesday, April 26th at 7 pm – At Church – Contact: Khleber Van Zandt


The GLBT Chalice Circle

The GBLT Chalice Circle will not meet on April 24th as that last Sunday of the month is Easter.  For updates on GBLT Chalice Circle, please go to website and join  Please contact Layne A. Simpson for more information.



Delores Ele wants to say “Thank You” to everyone for the cards and calls she received following the announcement that she broke her arm, and although she is on the mend, good energies are still welcome.

Below is the list of members of the Caring Ministries Committee.  You may always contact one of them in time of illness, loss, crisis, or other need.  Keep this list of contact people available in case you or your family is in need of pastoral support.




Sharon Johnson (Chair)
Marcia Custer
Pat Moore
Ronnie Schoenborn  
Audrey & David Wiseman 
Jan Allen


Melody Hardman

Khleber Van Zandt 314-223-0551 (MO cell)

618-520-0567 (IL cell);










Two of the best words in the English language and even better when paired: FREE BOOKS!  We need to make room for more books and there's still time during the dull, dark days of winter to take some of the FREE BOOKS home to enjoy before spring gardening and all the other outdoor joys call us.  So come and take home as many as you want this month and enjoy FREE BOOKS!

Sandy Shaner

Most people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their birthday.   Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month.  If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green at and give her that information.


  2 April – Michelle Bryant

  3 April – Gabby Schreiner (1998)

  4 April – Margaret McCarthy (2000)

  5 April – David Wiseman

  6 April – Cathy Tade

  7 April – Martha Arnold

  8 April – Ted Loucks

10 April – Corinne Hawkins

10 April – Don Allen

12 April – Lily Tarbell (1994)

12 April – Deanna Stacy

13 April – Dylan Stacy (2000)

14 April – Ethan Grippi (2004)

14 April – Brynda McCoy

16 April – Dennie Lightle Jr. (1998)

18 April – Carol Conley

20 April – Ian Herndon (1995)

20 April – John Morgan

23 April – Gayle Borman

27 April – Ginger McCall

27 April – Lucas Koch (2004)



Campfest 2011


Planning Meeting


It’s not too late to be a part of planning our congregation- wide family friendly camp- out July 29 thru August 3.   We will meet in the Kate Wuerker room following 2nd service on Sunday April 3. Come get involved in the church and be a part of this exciting planning team. See Sayer Johnson for more details.



Directory Update

Patrick Murphy – new email



Outreach Offering



General Information: 

One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes.  The entire amount of a check designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.  The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver.



In April our Community Outreach Offering will be given to support the St. Louis Effort for AIDS.   This organization was suggested by church member Michelle Hudson.


St. Louis Effort for AIDS is an organization that has provided services for those affected by HIV/AIDS in the St. Louis area for more than 25 years. They provide free, confidential HIV testing, counseling & support for those who test positive, education & community teaching, and comprehensive case management for those living with HIV/AIDS, including medication and housing assistance. They also provide dog food and veterinary care for their pets under their Pets are Wonderful Support (PAWS) program.  All funds received by EFA stay in the St. Louis Metropolitan area and directly assist our communities’ HIV+ citizens.


In addition, SAVE THE DATE:  Thursday April 28 is “Dining out for Life” and there is interest in getting together at various restaurants to benefit the programs and services of Saint Louis Effort for AIDS.   Michelle will provide additional information.




Newsletter Deadline

Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Editor AND to the Church office.

First Unitarian Church (618) 462-2462

PO Box 494, Alton, IL w:st="on">62002


Editor: Mary Johnson


Anna Ds Women’s Alliance


The Anna D's will be meeting on Thursday, April 7 at 11:30 am at the St. Louis Buffet – 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL . RSVP to Audrey Wiseman.


Directions:   From Alton take highway 143 to highway 111 and follow 111 until you get near highway 255.   The restaurant sits back from the road in a shopping center on the left side of 111 before 255.



Men’s Lunch Group


All Men in our Church Family are invited!


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 am on Thursday, April 14 at the St. Louis Buffet, 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL. Contact Dick Blanton for further details.








Spiral Scouts will meet on Sunday, April 3 from 1 to 3 pm at the church. Contact Stacey Wolff, for further information about SpiralScouts.


SpiralScouts Meeting Dates and Badge Topics are as follows through June 2011.  (All meetings are from 1 to 3 pm at church.) Apr 03 Photography / May 01 Astronomy / June 05 Painting


To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567

Social Justice


Dear Friends in Justice,


First Unitarian Church in Alton is fully committed to being a Social Justice church, from our minister to the Board of Trustees and to our members of all ages. This not just a slogan or simply spoken to separate ourselves from more conservative churches.  Indeed we live, breathe and act for justice at all levels in our local community and beyond. I say this with all humility because I am not interested in self righteous grandstanding, but our church acts in the community and beyond to affect change and participate in being present to those who are marginalized.  The Social Justice Committee is comprised of many wonderful people who give of their time and talent to be present and to walk with those in need.  That being said, we can always use more people to help with the work of the committee; it is a commitment but a joyful endeavor and speaks to the heart and soul of First Unitarian Church in Alton.


We are living in challenging times and the work of justice is never done.  New initiatives will need to be started in the present time and the work will never end. In the coming months I will try to outline needs and social problems that exist in our community and beyond that we can and will be involved in.  Please contact me at any time if you have questions, suggestions or if you are at interested in becoming part of the justice work of this faith community.


With Peace and Love,

John Herndon





YOUR help is needed in sprucing up our building and grounds this spring!  We’ll have a work day on Saturday, April 16 from 9 am to 2 pm to do any number of tasks from window washing to minor repairs to painting to lawn work.


Bob Chapman and Bob Larson are our B & G Co-Chairs and they would really appreciate your participation in this work day.  There are tasks for everyone.  So come to this work day and make it a fellowship event!

Choir Rehearsals


Choir rehearsals are held the first three Thursday evenings (except this month) from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.  If you enjoy singing, please consider coming to a choir rehearsal to learn how much fun you can have and what a contribution you can make by being part of the choir.


April 7th, 14th, no choir on 21st due to Tenebrae Service.  A different date will be arranged for choir rehearsal.


For further information contact Willis McCoy.




Report from the Church Treasurer



Total budgeted income received in February 2011 was $8,446.65; this was 5.09% of our annual budget.


Total budgeted expenses in February 2011 were $15,772.53; this was 9.50% of our annual budget.


So far this fiscal year, our year-to-date expenses are almost equal to our year-to-date income. From now on, timely payment of pledge commitments is critical to our finishing the fiscal year (on June 30th) in the black.


Jerry Johnson, Treasurer






Following last month’s “Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream” environmental symposium attendees from several faith communities decided to meet together at least one more time to talk about ways changes might be made locally to further environmental justice.  That group will meet at our church on Saturday, April 2 at 9:30 am.  Even if you didn’t attend the symposium but are interested in “doing something” and sharing ideas with others, please plan to come to this informal group meeting.  Please let the church office know you’ll be attending –

Wine Tasting Event

First Unitarian Church,

Kate Wuerker Room

7:00 pm, Saturday, April 30

$10 per person


We will have an assortment of wine, cheese, bread/crackers, and fruit.


A Silent Auction will be included in the evening fun.


Besides the entrance fee, everyone is invited to pay $1 a vote to make their favorite wine the BIG WINNER of the evening.


BRING Open minds, open mouths, open checkbooks for:


Fun, Informal, Educational Wine Tasting for those 21 and older who want to try wine for the first time, or want to know more about what they already like, or try some new wines.


Nursery care and childcare will be available. (Note: children may not attend the event in the Wuerker Room).


 Sign up sheet in the Kate Wuerker Room.



Racial Reconciliation Worship Service

Sunday, April 3 – 3:30 pm

Morning Star M.B. Church

1 East 6th St., Alton

Sponsored by

The United Congregations of Metro East (UCM) Alton Area Cluster


Everyone is invited to the  Alton area’s fourth annual Racial Reconciliation Worship Service.    This service commemorates the anniversary (4/4/68) of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. Participants will have the opportunity to ask God for forgiveness, make gestures of reconciliation to each other, and dedicate themselves to a decade of racial reconciliation in the Alton area.   Please come,  bring a friend, and put your faith in action.

Food Ministries


Coffee Hour

We need people to take their turn in coffee hour clean up. I know everyone has a busy life and this is one of the main reasons we need to respect everyone and take our turn.

  1. Stay until everyone is finished with their drinks and snacks
  2. Clear away all of the dirty dishes and food leftovers (this may involve putting some things in bags or containers and placing them in the refrigerator)
  3. Cleaning all of the used dishes by washing in the sink, drying and putting away or loading them into the dishwasher and running it.


No Pot Luck in April

April 24th is Easter so we will not be having potluck this month. Please enjoy this spring holiday with family.


4th Saturday Lunch


Fourth Saturday Lunch is a program the church has been running for awhile where volunteers create a hearty healthy menu that is served to the area homeless and needy. We also encourage our members to sit down with our guests and get to know them as they are our neighbors. There are many ways to get involved see Kathryn Chapman or the following people if you want to help.

April – Jennifer Herndon

May – Lorna McElhone

June, July, & August – Mary Johnson

September – Linda Van Zandt


Group Members

Anyone interested in being a regular member of the Food Ministries group (i.e. willing to set up coffee hour, work Saturday lunches, or be called on in the event of funeral services or other food related work) please make sure I have your name on my list so that I am able to call or e-mail you when we are in need of people to fill in or help out.

Reminder: There is a jar in the kitchen for collecting BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION.

Kathryn Chapman

APRIL RE Program News & Notes


RE Thank Yous!

To all the folks who helped the RE program sponsor the March 26th Fourth Saturday Luncheon!


April RE Program Calendar


PreK - Kindergarten

1st-3rd Grades

4-6th Grades

Youth Group—7th – 12th


Spirit Play Stories

Super Heroes--Bible People


Self Directed


Children’s Chapel in the Emerson Place Room

Children’s Chapel in the Emerson Place Room

Children’s Chapel in the Emerson Place Room

Youth Group meets in Labyrinth Room


Spirit Play Stories

Jesus Grows Up

Jesus the Teacher

Youth Group sanctuary


Spirit Play Stories

Earth Day Celebration

Earth Day Celebration

Youth Group meets in Labyrinth Room


Easter Multigenerational Service; Child Dedication

Easter Multigenerational Service; Child Dedication

Easter Multigenerational Service; Child Dedication

Easter Multigenerational Service; Child Dedication


Newcomers to RE!

When your children begin to attend regularly, please register your children in the RE Program—see Steven Mead, DRE for details.

RE Committee Changes

Thank you to Marty Johnson who will be leaving the RE Committee for the Stewardship and the Strategic Planning Committees.  Joining us will be Eric Johnson and Amy McMurray.  Your RE Committee members are:


  • Tracey Howe-Koch, Chair
  • Jennifer Herndon
  • Cathy Tade
  • Eric Johnson
  • Amy McMurray
  • Steven Mead

Parent Forum—Living Simply with Children

Monday, April 11, in the Emerson Place Room

Light supper at 6:00 pm  Program 6:30 - 8:30.  Childcare available.


What if you could find a way to spend more time with your children, replace unnecessary activities with meaningful ones, and teach your children an invaluable life lesson in the process?  The book, Living Simply with Children, offers a realistic blueprint for zeroing in on the pleasures of family life:

  • How (and why) to live simply and find more time to be with your children
  • Activities and rituals that bring out the best in every family member
  • Realistic ways to reclaim your children from corporate America
  • Helping children of any age deal with peer pressure
  • Raising kids who care about people and the planet
  • How to focus on the “good stuff” . . . with less stuff

Steven Mead, DRE, and Tracey Howe-Koch, RE Committee Chair, will facilitate the discussion and moderate a round-table discussion.  The Forum will be based on the book of the same title by Marie Sherlock.  Participants are encouraged to obtain and read the book ahead of time—our RE library has one extra copy of the book for loan.  Used copies under $10 (including shipping) may be obtained from:  Come join us, everyone—parent or not—even if you haven't read the book.


Child Dedication

First Unitarian Church will conduct a child dedication during the worship service April 24th.   Parents whose family may be interested in participating in this ceremony, please contact Reverend Van Zandt:   314-223-0551 (MO cell) 618-520-0567 (IL cell)


Steven Mead, DRE

Buy a Hymnal for the Church


We need more of the paperback “teal colored” Singing the Journey hymnals.  A generous benefactor has made a matching offer - for every hymnal you purchase, that purchased will be matched.  So for example, if 20 people each buy a hymnal ($18), the benefactor will pay for an additional 20.  You may ask that your hymnal be given in memory or honor of someone, or given in your name. Make your check payable to First Unitarian Church of Alton and mark “hymnal fund” in the memo line.  You may put it in the collection or send it to the church treasurer.  Contact Willis McCoy for more details.




Skinner House Books Now Available on Kindle!

Rose Hanig – The Unitarian Universalist Bookstore


We are thrilled to announce that many Skinner House Books titles are now available in both Google Reader and Amazon Kindle eBook formats. You can access our books on-the-go from your favorite eBook reader devices - simply click the link in each eBook's listing on the UUA Bookstore website to get started.

We will continue to expand our eBook selection, so please check back regularly to find your favorites!

Introducing the Facebook Book Club

Have you ever wished you could interact with your favorite authors regarding their work?  Now you can - our first-ever Facebook Book Club is now underway and features The Sustainable Soul by Rebecca James Hecking.

Read along with us, and ask Rebecca your questions as you go! 

Feeling Social?

Are you on Facebook or Twitter?  Both the UUA Bookstore and Skinner House Books are!  Like or follow us for daily meditations, fun facts, and info about new and exciting product offerings.

Social media is a great way for you to provide your feedback directly to us - let us know what you think about our books, products, events and more!

Find me on Facebook            Follow me on Twitter   


Coming Soon to First UU Alton!   Music Chalice Group!


  Most likely starting this summer, a music chalice group will be facilitated by Eric Johnson.  If you enjoy music, if you like to play, sing, listen to, write or even contemplate music please consider being a part of this chalice group. We will engage music in the following ways . . .

1) Explore music in the context of our liberal religious tradition

2) Play and sing, and listen to music together in large and small group settings

3) Facilitate the playing and singing of music for worship and special occasions at the church.

4) Explore how music touches our individual lives and how we use it to express, cope, thrive and celebrate!

That being said, putting this together is a complex operation!  Your input is invaluable and necessary for us to be successful. If you are interested please contact Eric or pin him down at church on Sunday.  Look for an interest and ability survey at church.

Please don’t think that you have to be a trained musician to join or be a part of this group.  Enjoying music is enough.

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