Congregation established 1836


A Newsletter for
Members and Friends of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

March 2005

March 6th

“From Internationalism to Globalism

Dr. Ronald Glossop


Ron will discuss the transition now occurring from the internationalist perspective of the 19th and 20th centuries to the globalist perspective of the 21st century and its significance for our personal identity, political institutions, and language use.



March 13th

“Going Purple:

Rebuilding Internationalism Out of the Red-State/Blue-State Divide”

Charles J. Brown

See page 2 in the newsletter for further information about Mr. Brown.


Charles Brown will discuss how U.S. citizens interested in international issues should deal with the red-blue political polarization in our country.



March 20th Palm Sunday

“Dancing Into Jerusalem”

Khleber M. Van Zandt


Some of us learned to counter the common injunction, Don't go there!" with a flippant "I'm going there, and I'm dancing!" One measure of our faith may be how easily we dance and celebrate in the face of certain death.

March 27th - Easter Sunday

“Rolling Stones”

Khleber M. Van Zandt


In the Christian story, it's unclear who opened the tomb on the first Easter. This Easter, we'll see if we can roll away some of the stones keeping us from living anew.




Additional Sunday Morning Programming

9:30 a.m.



March 6 - Forum - “Native American Spirituality” - By Scott Mandrell


March 13th - Meditation - Led by Pam and Ted Loucks


March 20th - Forum - “Our Treatment of the American Indians - Led by Jim Elliott


March 27th - Adult RE - Led by Gerry Gilman. The topic will be, "Liberations: The Exodus and the Wandering in the Wilderness," part of the ongoing study and discussion on the book “Understanding the Bible” by Dr. John Buehrens.






March 3rd - Anna Ds at Pat Moore’s home -

12:00 noon.


March 5th - Work Day - 9:30 a.m.


March 8th - Men’s Lunch Group - 11:30 a.m.


March 8th - Board meeting - 7:00 p.m.


March 19th - St. Patrick’s Day Celebration - 6:30 p.m.







Charles Brown - Sunday Guest Speaker


Mr. Charles Brown, our March 13th guest speaker from Washington DC. is President and CEO of the recently formed organization Citizens for Global Solutions (the result of combining the World Federalist Association with the Campaign for U.N. Reform). From 2001 to 2004 he was Deputy Executive Director of Amnesty International USA (whose Executive Director is former UUA President William Schulz). From 1999 to 2001 Brown was Chief of Staff for Assistant Secretary Harold Hongju Koh in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) of the U.S. State Department as well as Director of DRL's Office of Strategic Planning and External Affairs. Prior to that he was Senior Advisor on Public Affairs for the DRL in the State Department. From 1988 to 1998 he worked at Freedom House in a variety of positions, ultimately as Director of Development. He is author of “The Politics of Psychiatry in Revolutionary Cuba” and co-editor of “Judges and Journalists in Transitional Democracies.”

Heritage Day



The Endowment Committee would like to thank all who helped make Heritage Day a success, especially: Midge (and Matt) Hallett, Audrey Wiseman, Pat Moore, Rose Hoshiko and Cheryl Tucker-Loewe. Your help was much appreciated. The Offering total for the Endowment Fund was $572.00.




A Memorial Service for Dot Hull

will be held at the church on Saturday afternoon, April 16th




In Our Church Family


Some joyful news - Pam and Ted Loucks have a new granddaughter. Faith Marie was born on Valentine’s Day, weighing 6 lb., 10 oz. Mother Lara and baby are both doing fine.



We are saddened by the death of long-time member, Dudley Giberson. Dudley joined the church in 1928 and was actively involved until the last few years. A memorial service was held at the church on February 26th. His photograph, and that of his late wife Barbara, can be found on our “Wall of Fame” above the fireplace in the Wuerker Room. If you have memories to share of Dudley please send them to the church via email or mail.


Do You Have an Old Cell Phone?


If so, talk to Rosemary Mullikin at church or email her at

She is collecting non-working cell phones for an organization that sends the phones to one of the big cell phone companies that reprogram them to just dial 911. The former number is removed. These phones are then given to people who have no phones and could have a medical emergency. Many elderly people do not have a phone. Also, these phones are given to those who may be in a situation of domestic violence.



Contributions Needed for Medical

Mission to Haiti


Mona Hebert will once again be going to Haiti later this spring and will have a collection basket at church for donations of hygiene products. Items desperately needed are soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Samples from hotel rooms and dental offices are gladly accepted. The various “dollar stores” are also good places to purchase such items. Anything and everything is so needed by the people of Haiti, especially after the

hurricanes and floods.



Men’s Lunch Group


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 8th at the Chinese Buffet at 2610 Homer Adams Parkway in Alton. This lunch meeting is planned as a regular event on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.




Redesigned by Jerry Johnson, the website will continued be maintained by Jim Elliott. Your comments about or suggestions for the new website should be sent to Jerry at



Work Day Scheduled


Saturday March 5th -

9:30 to whenever


Bring a lunch and enjoy fellowship while getting work done around the church. The tasks that need doing include:


Turn the AEU office (room next to the Minister’s study) into a Sunday morning gathering spot for the older kids.


Paint the upstairs hallway.


Review items in the nursery to see what games, etc. could be used in the older kids’ new room.


Spruce up the Youth Room downstairs to use as middle school classroom.


Install thermostat in Nursery/RE wing.


Paint the new doors.


Plant patrol (inside and out).


Light bulb patrol.


Other tasks as needed.


Jamie Gross

St. Patrick’s Day Party

March 19th

Sure and Begorra, we’re having a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration!


Date: Saturday, March 19, 6:30 p.m.


Place: Wuerker Room at the Church


Dinner: Irish stew, soda bread, salad, and dessert served by the Members Committee.


Cost: $5.00 per person / BYOB


Childcare will be provided.


Entertainment: Irish trivia, Irish music, Irish humor, and more.


Join the fun!!!! Wear green!!!!


R.S.V.P. by March 15 on the sign-up sheet in the Wuerker Room or to Pat Moore







Women's Weekend


Every April, Eliot Unitarian Chapel sponsors a Women's Weekend April 22-24 at Camp Wyman in Eureka, MO.  It's a time to retreat, relax, and find community among UU women.  Enjoy a variety of workshops, meals, and good conversation.  Stay for the day or overnight in heated cabins.  Space is limited and reservations are required. 


Early Registration is available until March 20th - save $10 on fees.  For more information, 

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

This year our church members and friends donated $1525 to the UUSC’s “Guest at Your Table” campaign. In addition to the names listed in last month’s newsletter the following people also contributed

Paul and Mona Hebert

Michael and Rose Hoshiko.





Sunday Pot Luck Lunch



March 27th - the 4th Sunday


Bring a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and fellowship.


A-L will do Table Set Up

M-Z will do Clean Up


Everyone will be responsible for setting food out on the buffet table.



Anna Ds

The Anna D. Sparks Women's Alliance will meet at noon on March 3rd for their monthly luncheon at Pat Moore’s home in North County. All women in the church are welcome. For further information please call Lorli Nelson.

Board Meeting

February 8, 2005



The Annual Member Meeting at First Unitarian Church will be on Friday, May 20, 2005 starting at 7:30 p.m.


RE Director: Attendance in children’s RE is growing rapidly. Due to presence of 9 children, the primary class was split last Sunday into two sections, K - 4th and 5th -8th grades. Need teachers for pre-school and middle grade classes. In primary class, we are using UU curriculum book “What Do You Stand For?” to present social justice theme.


Due to supervision and safety issues, it was decided not to pursue the idea of an outdoor playground at this time. Was decided to convert the AEU’s old office upstairs into an activity room for the older children.


Office Manager: Top Secret Designs has been contacted to repair and remodel the Wayside Pulpit Sign. The sign will have new doors, a new interior signboard, new letters, and will be repainted. There will be a permanent sign attached to the frame with the phone number and website of the church.


Kevin’s Kleen Lawn has been contacted to take care of snow removal at the church if the snow reaches 3 inches, one hour before church starts. The charge for this is $175.00.


Jerika Bateman, who owns the Mineral Springs Mall, is starting her own history tours, “Alton Haunted Tours,” and has requested that the church be a part of her tour. She will donate $30.00 per tour. Tony Taylor will also continue tours.


The American Ethical Society came on Friday, February 4th, to pack up and move their library from the upstairs office.

Treasurer: 67% of this year’s pledges have been received. - Utilities bill was $870.00 for the month, so hopefully it has peaked for this winter. - Memorial Fund increased by $280.00 from contributions by Joe Russo’s and Dot Hull’s families and friends.


Web Site Update: Jerry Johnson has re-designed the website. Jim Elliott will continue to do updates. The web site address is now


Member Committee: The Member Services Committee has purchased a bulletin board and will post information regarding committees and their responsibilities.


Memorial Services: Area UU ministers charge from $175 to $300 to prepare for and conduct Memorial Services. The motion was made and passed that until we have a minister in place the church will pay the fees charged by guest UU minister who perform a Memorial Service for a member of this church.


Submitted by: Mona Hebert, Board Secretary






Here are the names of church members and friends who are celebrating birthdays this month. If this is ‘your month’ and your name didn’t get included, we’re sorry. For future months please let Mary Johnson know your

birth month and day (


3 March - Jerry Johnson

5 March - Eowyn Wolff (2004)

14 March - Emily Sutton (1992)

15 March - Pam Loucks

16 March - Avery Myers (1996)

17 March - Megan Gross (2003)

25 March - Gerry Gilman

31 March - Gail White (1989)

RE NEWS - from Jamie Gross, DRE


Dear Parents and Friends,


Things are going great in our RE department right now. We have had an influx of new children since the first of the year, and it has been great. We are happy to have all of these new people among us. This influx of people has prompted a change in the way that our classrooms are arranged. We now have a middle school class that will serve our 5-8 graders. This is in addition to our primary class that will continue to serve our children in grades K-4 and our pre-school class for those ages 2-5.


We have also made a change in curriculum from the originally published schedule in the RE brochure. The pre-school class has remained unchanged using "Story Time." The primary class is now using "Keepers of the Earth," and the new middle school class is using "What Do I Stand For?" These changes were also necessitated by increased weekly attendance.


On Valentine's Day weekend, the primary and middle school classes worked together on a special project. They made valentines to be delivered to people in nursing homes. These were given to Nelson Shaner, who regularly visits area nursing homes to help out, and to Joy Hoeft, who works at a senior center in Missouri. Hopefully, these will be well received by those residents.


I also have some out-of-the-area news to report. The DRE from the Berrin, MI UU Fellowship (BUUF) is currently on a relief aid trip to India. Her congregation is currently raising money to help fund her trip, which has an estimated cost of $10,000. We have a children's fund as part of our restricted budget session, and I will be speaking to the children about this trip to see if they are interested in using some or all of this money for this cause. If anyone else is interested in helping out, I have information on how to do this.


Just a reminder that I always welcome any feedback or questions that anyone has, not just parents.

Central Midwest District Assembly

April 15-17, 2005

Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center

Arlington Heights, IL


“Creating Beloved Community: The Challenge and the Promise”


Keynote presenter:

Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt


This annual assembly will have an array of interesting workshops and activities.


There will be more information and registration forms at church.




UU Bed and Breakfast Directory


Do you dream of inexpensive vacation travel to interesting destinations where you can stay in the homes of friendly people who share your ideals and are happy to provide directions and advice for their area?


The UU bed and breakfast directory UU’re Home (formerly Homecomings) can help you fulfill your dream. For 25 years, we’ve provided a network of hosts in the United States (and a few abroad) who enjoy meeting new friends and who are happy to open their home to like-minded people.


The directory is published every year in April. For a copy of the 2005 directory, please send a check for $18 to UU’re Home, 43 Vermont Court, Asheville, NC 28806. UU’re Home has just launched a new web site at, which includes about half of the listings. Entries are updated whenever changes are made or new hosts are added.

Memories of

Joseph A. Russo


Joe Russo died Wednesday, January 19, 2005. He has been a member of our church since February 20, 1955. A memorial service will be held at a later date.


Here are some memories of Joe that have been received.


From Grace Madison. Joe was a good story teller. Soon after our family moved to Alton, we attended a semi-annual meeting of the church. Joe gave the treasurer's report and it was so entertaining that we hardly noticed he was talking about money.


He was multi-talented; an excellent photographer who took many pictures that are treasured by our church, a ham radio enthusiast, an interesting conversationalist and a good Italian bread baker. We will miss you, Joe.



From Peg Flach. I have 3 Joe Russo stories to share. They sorta fit into a Clint Eastwood format -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The Good

I remember the year that we had a series of art shows in the Wuerker Room. Joe offered a plethora of amazing photographs that he had taken over the years. One in particular was a lovely nude of a woman stepping over a huge ornate driftwood on the shore of Lake Michigan. It was a popular piece and a copy of that photograph was won by a lucky UU at an art raffle at the end of the exhibits. I would give anything to have the negative of that picture.

The Bad

One of my fondest memories was of Joe scooting up to me and saying something to the effect of “Doll, how about a hug?” Just who could deny such a request?!? It was fun to turn to Virginia and say “Virginia, your husband is such a flirt!” To which she would respond “Yes, I know!”

The Ugly

One Sunday as I was pulling up to the front of the church - a tad bit late - I watched in horror as Joe took a spill on the top stone step and fell. It all seemed to happen in slow motion as he fell and I tried to hurry over to him. It was cold and I made him sit there while an ambulance was called to attend to the gash on his forehead. He declined treatment and, luckily, healed up nicely.


I couldn’t help but to look for him in church last Sunday. He just seems like such a fixture at First Unitarian of Alton - Joe in a plaid tweed jacket, wearing a jaunty hat and with camera in hand. Joe Russo was a charming, nice nice man … and I’m so grateful that our paths crossed.



From Midge Hallett. It’s hard to think of Joe as just a member of our church - he seems to me to be the essence of all the good and humane things that we strive for within the Unitarian concept of theology. One shining memory that I hold dear is throughout the l960's and l970's when my kids were involved in R.E, Joe would do a Christmas reading at the Christmas Eve program, about a pair of mittens that were inside-out and outside-in. This reading year after year brought down paroxysms of laughter and was almost as anticipated as was Santa. Joe's many roles in the church are too numerous to be enumerated, but his outstanding photography and photographic services he gave to this church were truly an art form. Also, Joe was serving on the church Board of Trustees relatively recently, and still always could be counted on for honest, cogent, and fair input and exchange. I'm eternally grateful that I had the privilege of knowing both Joe and Virginia for some forty years and constantly was learning from them about literature, music, ethics and especially a zest for life.



From Jim Elliott. Joe was a great man. He was attending Harvard when I was a baby. He carved out a successful practice in insurance. It must have been difficult going in the depression years. I knew him best as one of the members of our Tuesday lunch group. He maintained an interest in life in all its complexity even though he was in his 90s. I appreciated his artistry with his camera. And he continued to serve our church, being on the board in recent years. I miss him.

Memories of Joe, continued



From Mike Hoshiko (W9CJW). Joseph A. Russo, Amateur Radio Operator.

When Joe was an active amateur radio operator, he held the call: (N9TC). He served as an Army pay master in India in World War II. He was a welcome sight, because he brought the soldiers their paychecks. After the war he used to be very active in MARS, which was a network of ham radio operators who would send and receive messages from fellows in the armed services to their families and loved ones. I first met Joe when I joined the church. He was down-sizing, and I bought his Heathkit amplifier, which he had built from a kit. It was better than the factory-built one. He even used to climb high up on his radio tower to adjust his antenna to make sure that the messages got sent out and received. Joe Russo was a real ham radio operator, not just a store-bought appliance operator. He was a public servant, radio technician, and above all, a wonderful friend.



From Rose Hoshiko. Joe Russo was already in his mid-80s when we moved to this area and joined the church. By 1999 we were well aware that Joe was a very special, delightful, and dear person. On Oct. 17, 1999, we arranged for a lovely decorated cake during the coffee hour to surprise him on his 90th birthday. He just glowed! -- And so did everyone else! Coming to church each Sunday was important to him, and seeing him there each Sunday was heart-warming for all the rest of us!



Welcome to New Members

Biographies of these new members will be forthcoming in upcoming newsletters.


Lisa Alton joined the church on 1/2/05.


Andy Russo and Suganya Dhanamitt joined the church on 2/6/05.


Beth and Dennis Nalick joined the church on 2/20/05.

First Unitarian Church, St. Louis Women’s Alliance

Annual Scholarship for 2005-2006 Academic Year


QUALIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN CHANGED - No longer does the applicant need to be a member of one of the SLAUUC churches - just affiliated with one.


The scholarship will be given to a woman who is responsible financially for continuing her education, who is affiliated with a St. Louis Area Unitarian Universalist church or fellowship (SLAUUC) [this included Alton] and a registered student.


The award will be made on the basis of scholarship, character, and need.


Application packets are now available. Please request them from the Women’s Alliance Scholarship Committee - 5700 Waterman Blvd., St. Louis MO 63108 or email Mary O’Neal Broida -


The deadline for completed applications is March 31, 2005.




Deadline: Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Church office AND to the Editor.

First Unitarian Church (618) 462-2462

PO Box 494, Alton, IL 62002


Editor: Mary Johnson


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