Congregation established 1836 |
Newsletter of the First
Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois
Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister |
February 1st “Care a Little, Care a Lot” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Some days we can begin to feel obscured by the
weight and size of the burdens we carry.
A sermon about the ways we care for each other, and about noticing the
signs others give us that their burdens threaten to overwhelm them. February 8th “Think Without Thinking” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Regardless of what her Buddhist friends told her,
she still believed that “you can’t think without thinking of something.” American poet Grace Paley died in 2007 at the
age of eighty-four but before she left, she gave us the gift of her
penetrating, playful, and profound words. February 15th – Heritage Day “Those Who Came Before” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt This Heritage Day, we’ll welcome a few special
visitors and celebrate the many people whose presence in years past helped establish
our church’s reputation and whose perseverance through tough times made this
congregation what it is today. One special guest will be the Rev. Sylvia Falconer. A
graduate of Starr King Seminary, Sylvia was our minister from 1979 – 1983. She was the church’s first woman minister,
coming to |
February 22nd “ Rev. Brian Covell Minister of Third Unitarian Church in Chicago. Rev. Covell will join us this Sunday and help get our 2009 -2010 pledge drive off to a rousing start. Brian is a dynamic preacher who is doing great work at his congregation and in our Central Midwest District of the UUA, and you won’t want to miss his strong message of hope. To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Email: Cell Phone: Adult Religious
Enrichment (ARE) Sunday mornings @ 9:30 am in Emerson Place Childcare is available. Feb. 1st – Non-Theist/Humanist Roundtable. Feb. 8th – Evolution Sunday; a celebration of the 200th Birthday of Charles Darwin. Feb. 15th – LGBTQ Justice (topic to be announced). Feb. 22nd – “Peacemaking” led by Dr. Ron Glossop. |
NOW IS THE TIME! We begin in February to formally
kick off our Stewardship mission for 2009 -2010, however most of know we need
to keep the spirit of commitment and sharing all year round. The stewardship committee has been hard at
work to develop a plan that we can all be proud of. We have named our process
“Now is The Time,” to speak to the goal of everyone in this church that now is
certainly the time to commit ourselves to grow spiritually and to become the
prophetic voice in the Riverbend area. How do we accomplish our goals?;
certainly through time and voluntary work by everyone but also supported
monetarily by each one of us that is proud to say we are a member of First
Unitarian in Alton. The pledge drive will begin on February 22nd
with a special guest in the pulpit; Rev. Brian Covell of Third Unitarian in With Peace and Love, John Herndon President, Board of Trustees
CARE AND CONCERN Please contact your Pastoral Care Team Leader or Rev. Khleber Van Zandt if there are concerns that need to be brought to their attention. If you do not know if you are connected with a Pastoral Care Team, please contact Marcia Custer . |
Mission Statement of our church says, “The First Unitarian Church of Alton is a
welcoming and inclusive faith community committed to nurturing lifelong
spiritual growth and to inspiring lives of love and service which strive toward
justice and compassion for our community, our neighbors, and our world.” Words. Good words, to be sure. Inspiring and uplifting words, but still just
words. What’s so great about a few good,
inspiring, uplifting words? The
right words can describe the truth as it is and help people name what they see
in front of them. Or the right words can
evoke the truth as we hope it will be and inspire people to act to change what
needs changing. Conversely, the wrong
words can lie, stifle, destroy, and disappoint. And
more than being simply right or wrong, words often require something more from
us than is immediately obvious. Words
without conviction to back them up can be meaningless. Words without action to embody them can be
empty. Our
church’s Mission Statement contains the right words for us at this time in our
history. This recent attempt to
articulate what we’re all about offers a balance between the individual and the
communal; a balance between the private,
inner life of the spirit and a public, outer life of justice-seeking; a balance between the covenant we enter into
with each other and the commitment we make together to serve the larger world. This
worshipping community has made great strides in taking concrete actions to
address the suffering and the injustice in the world. We have supported mission trips to the Our
voice is being heard: the words we say
together are being carried farther than we can know by our webpage, and the
number of visitors we welcome each week remains high. Our actions also are having an effect: more and more people in our area have learned
about who we are through the projects we’ve taken on. This
is a great congregation, and we are headed in the right directions. Sure, we face challenges, but facing them
together is so much better than facing them apart. The
next time you read our Mission Statement, I hope you’ll take the time to look
for something in it that speaks to your deepest convictions, and while doing
so, think about what words you’d use to tell someone what this congregation
means to you. And
then go find someone and tell them. See you in church,
Mark Your Calendars: A Quick Guide to this Month’s Happenings Sun., Feb. 1 – Fair
Trade Coffee sales; Mon., Feb. 2 – UU&You – 7 pm Thurs., Feb. 5 – Anna D’s –11:30 am; Choir – 7pm Fri., Feb. 6 –
Friday night youth group meeting Sat., Feb. 7 –
Church work day – 9 am to 3 pm Sun., Feb.
8 – 2nd Sunday youth group meeting; Mon., Feb. 9 –
Sierra Club – 7:30 pm Tues., Feb. 10 – Church Board – 7 pm Thurs., Feb. 12 -- Men’s Lunch Group – 11:30 am; Choir – 7pm Sat., Feb. 14 – Valentine & Newcomers Party – 6 pm Sun., Feb.
15 – Parent’s Thurs., Feb.
19 – Choir – 7pm Sat., Feb. 21 – Renegade Women – 2 pm Sun., Feb.
22 – Pledge Drive begins; Tues., Feb. 24 – Men’s Thurs., Feb.
26 – Choir – 7 pm Sat., Feb. 28 – 4th Saturday Lunch – 12 noon Community Women’s Sunday, February 15th from 6 to 8 pm. All women in the church are invited to come. You may bring any kind of drum (even children’s plastic drums, maracas, any percussion instrument will do.) No experience in drumming is necessary. For further information contact Layne Simpson. |
Treasury Note Total budgeted income for December 2008 was $16,316.31; this was 11.8% of our annual budget. Total budgeted expenses for December 2008 were $11,028.50; this was 8.0% of our annual budget. This month’s surplus of $5,287.81 is very welcome. Donations for extra child-care expenses have exceeded all expectations. A total of $950 has been donated, so we appear to be set for the rest of this fiscal year. On Christmas Eve, $342 was collected for the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. In December we received $500 from the Charlotte Levis Trust Fund. This money is usually given to the Endowment Committee for investing in our local Endowment Fund. This year’s donation will be the last that the church will receive, because the terms of Mrs. Levis’s will now have been fulfilled.
I am pleased that our year-to-date expenses stand at about 51% of the total budgeted. I realize that we have several months of heating bills ahead of us, but also that there are several non-seasonal items that are already paid up more than 50%. RESULTS OF VOTE AT SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING
Two issues were presented at the semi-annual meeting on January 17th that required a vote by the membership. One was a proposed change to the church bylaws to reduce the number of trustees from 9 to 7. The proposed bylaw was printed in the January newsletter giving members a chance to review the change prior to the semi-annual meeting. The vote at the meeting was unanimous to accept the change proposed by the church board. The motion will take full effect in June 30, 2010. The second vote was about the
UUA’s proposed “Draft Statement of Conscience on Peacemaking.” If approved by 25% of UU congregations it
will be voted on at the General Assembly.
Following a discussion led by Dr. Ron Glossop, including commentary
about suggested changes to the statement, the vote was 27 to 3 in favor of
moving the Statement forward to the General Assembly. |
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ A
Valentine Party and Welcome
Party for Newcomers Everyone is invited to come celebrate
Valentine's Day and our newcomers at the same time. It will be on Valentine's Evening, February
14, 6:00 pm at the church. Newcomers
will be the guests of honor and not asked to bring anything but themselves.
(Child care and children's activities will be available.) Mentors of the newcomers are asked to bring a
dish for the dinner. Brynda McCoy will be in contact with mentors to see that
we have a balanced menu. Other established members and friends are asked to
bring either a snack type food or a beverage. Games,
ballroom music, and other activities are being planned. It would be good if
someone talented at decorating would volunteer for that. We'll also welcome
help with the clean up after the party. The idea is to get better acquainted with our new friends and members and to have a good time while we are at it. Anyone with great party ideas is welcome to contact Brynda McCoy (not known for her party planning skills) or in person during coffee hour.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CHURCH FUNDRAISER – BRING A BOOK – BUY A BOOK (or two or three or more) We now have a book sale table set up in the Wuerker Room. Bring your books that you no longer want and add them to the sale collection. This will be an ongoing sale. We’re selling hardback books for $1.00 and paperback books for 50 cents. All kinds of books – fiction, non-fiction, children’s books – are welcome. Once you buy a book you might want to read it and return it to be re-sold. |
Our congregation can now purchase
delicious coffee while helping small-scale farmers in Latin America, Africa,
Asia and the Organization called Equal Exchange. With our support, these communities invest in education, health care, and agricultural improvements. In addition, for each pound of coffee purchased by UU congregations through the project, Equal Exchange makes a contribution to UUSC programs that support the human rights and social justice work of community-based cooperatives in coffee growing regions. Coffee will be available for purchase on the first Sunday of each month. Whole bean, drip grind, regular, decaffeinated and flavored coffee will be available. Fair Trade organic chocolate bars will be offered in February for your special valentines. Buying these products benefits our church, also. Over $100 was made on December/January sales. Look for Linda Van Zandt at the Equal Exchange table in the Kate Wuerker Room.
Please join us on Saturday, Feb. 7 for a day of working together to do some of the little jobs around the church. We will have our quarterly Building and Grounds Workday from 9 am until 3 pm. Come for all or part of the day. We will be concentrating on indoor work like cleaning, painting, plumbing, and small repairs. Contact Pat Moore if you have any questions. |
Green Sky Sangha
The Buddhist Group
meets in Dee Evans POSTPONED Walking – Yoga – Meditation The WYM group has decided to not meet in January and February due to the cold weather. The Group will start up again in March when Mother Nature can be more accommodating. We will meet every Friday from 8 to 9:30 am, beginning on March 6th. Please contact Paula Tarbell for information. All Men in the Church are Invited to the Men’s Lunch Group The
Men’s Lunch Group will meet on Thursday,
February 12th at the St. Louis Buffet,
In Our Church Family
Sandy Shaner
is recuperating at home following knee surgery.
difficult time for the many who depend on the You have been so generous during
November and December with donations of over 200 food items and $200. The
center will need our continued support this month. Please remember your donations. Jen
Politsch Work Trip to After several
date changes, our work week in We will be
housed in the Four Corners area near Jeanerette All experience
levels and skill levels are welcome.
There’s work for everyone.
Children and teenagers are welcome if accompanied by parents or adults who
are responsible for them. Kevin McCarthy will provide further details as they become available. If you are interested in participating in this work week please contact him or talk to him at church. Newsletter
Deadline Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Editor AND
to the Church office. Email : Editor: Mary Johnson. |
Join the Choir! We’d like to expand the choir and we encourage all
who enjoy singing to come to a rehearsal and see how much fun we have. All voices and ages are welcome. Rehearsals begin at 7 pm on Thursday
evenings. The
choir will not meet on Sundays in February because the choir director
will be helping teach middle school OWL (Our Whole Lives) classes at 1 pm at
Eliot Chapel in The
choir will meet every Thursday night in February – Feb. 5, 12, 19 &
26. The regular rehearsal schedule,
alternating Sundays and Thursdays, will begin again after March 8th Contact Willis McCoy for further information. Pagan Group Reorganizing The pagan group would like to have a meeting for all interested to give input to how the group should proceed. A short meeting will be held on Sunday, February 8th right after the worship service. For more information contact Kristen O’Steen Directory Update Contact church office for this information or check a print version of
the newsletter found at church. Dave Kraus Chris and Kristen O’Steen |
RE MINDERS Please stop by the RE Book Hutch for all of your Beacon Press and Skinner House Book needs. Remember to bring in your empty ink jet printer cartridges for recycling. They can be placed in the blue bin in the foyer. The 1st Friday Youth Group meeting will be held on February 6. The 2nd Sunday Youth Group meeting will be held after service on February 8. CHALICE CIRCLES Third Sunday Chalice Circle
February 15th 11:45 am to 1 pm at church. Contact Sandy Shaner Sandy Shaner. This is a “general” chalice circle welcoming all. Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle Sunday, February 15th – 12:00 to 1:30 pm in Emerson Place at church. Contact: Diane Thompson Diane Thompson or Cheryle Tucker-Loewe. Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle Saturday, February 21st – 2 to 4 pm. Contact Marcia Custer for more information.
Men's Chalice Circle
Tuesday, February 24th – 7 pm at church. Contact: Khleber Van Zandt. |
February 22nd After church
a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and
fellowship! If possible please bring a
dish that serves at least 6 to 8 people.
In an
effort to be more conscious of the environment and to reduce the trash that our
church might add to the ever growing area landfills, we are using the church’s
china plates instead of disposable ones. A-Mc will do Clean Up M-Z will do Table Set Up Everyone needs to
help. Please do your share in setting up
and cleaning up. Kitchen camaraderie
helps you know someone better. “4th Saturday Lunch” A Social Justice Venture February 28th is the date for our next “4th Saturday Lunch” for those in need of a hot meal. A signup sheet will be available so you can decide how you would like to help us with this lunch program. Our guests seem to have enjoyed each of our past lunches and we encourage you to participate by bringing food and joining our guests for lunch. If you have questions contact Mary Johnson |
(Anna Davenport All
women in the church are invited to the February meeting of the Anna Ds on
Thursday, February 5th. We will meet at 11:30 am at the Klingel House
Tea Room and Restaurant – 1801
North Main,
Ginger McCall is host for the lunch. Please notify her by Monday, February 2nd if you plan to attend.
Anna Ds Hosting schedule February – June, 2009 March 5 – Pat Moore – At
restaurant. April 2 – Audrey Wiseman – Place to be decided. May 7 – Brynda McCoy – At restaurant. June 4 – Lorna McElhone – At church – Book discussion of “A Mercy” by Toni Morrison. Try to read the book ahead of time. UUA Social
Justice Action for FEBRUARY Speak Up for Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and
Transgender Equality Freedom to Marry week – 2/8 to 2/14 BGLT Legislative issues the UUA is working on: 1. Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. 2. Marriage Equality. 3. Support for The Employment Non-Discrimination Act 4. Support for the Matthew Shepard Local Law
Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Go to the link above for additional information, reading, and actions. |
Most people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their
birthday. Below is the list we have of
church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month. If you don’t think the church office has your
birthday on file, please contact Becky Green ( and give her
that information. 2 February – Mary Johnson 3 February – William Loucks (1998) 6 February – Nancy Brunner 6 February – Kristen O’Steen 11 February – Gene Eaton 11 February – Chris Sutton 14 February – Yvonne McCall 17 February – Ron Glossop 23 February – Beth Bourland 28 February – Tom Allred 28 February – Rachel Berg 28 February – Max Sutton (1996)
Offering One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes. The entire amount of checks designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause. The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver. From July through December 2008, the total amount given by the congregation to Community Outreach efforts was $2,475.00. The Community Outreach Offering in February will be given in support of our spring work week in Louisiana. It will assist congregational members who need financial support to be able to make the trip, and it will allow purchase of any needed equipment or supplies. The remainder will go directly to the agency we work through, Southern Mutual Help Association |
RE NEWS Dear Parents and Friends, Every month the Religious Education department undertakes a social action project. At the beginning of the church year, it was only the middle school class working on these projects, but starting last November all kids in grades 1-8 have been working on them together. This year we have been tying the social action projects to the monthly theme of the Religious Education classes. In September they passed out Guest at Your Table boxes for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. In October they prepped the containers for the all-ages Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF project. In November they sorted donated clothing to be shipped to impoverished Native American Reservations. December had the fund raising Children’s Holiday Gift Shop and the Mitten Tree. In January they cooked and served a vegetarian lunch to the congregation as a fund raiser for a Hindu charity. This month’s project will require help from all of you. We will be collecting donations of clothing to be given to the Reform Jewish Congregation of St. Louis. The Congregation is located on the corner of Waterman and Kingshighway, and is right across the street from the 1st Unitarian Church of St. Louis. They are in a very urban area with a lot of poverty. The Reform Congregation runs a free store for people in the area. Anyone can come in and “shop” in the store. They can take anything that they may need free of charge. Donations may be brought in during the month of February and placed in the Religious Education Office downstairs. Gently used clothing and shoes for adults and children will be accepted. Please take this time to look in your closets and drawers. This is a great opportunity for us to help those in need. Thank You. Jamie Gross, DRE |
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