Congregation established 1836 |
Newsletter of the
First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois
Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister |
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. |
January 2008 |
January 6th “Passing ‘Go’ - It’s More Than Collecting $200” Rev. Susan Palmquist Chaplain, BJC Hospice
As we begin the new year it is a time to reflect on how we move forward. There are many metaphors to think about, like “going through motions,” “wiping our slate clean,” “running in circles” - which of these does or does not work for you? Together we will look at the meaning of the new year.
January 13th
"The Role of Religion in Politics" Dr. Ronald Glossop, Professor Emeritus
With an election coming up later this year, much discussion is taking place about the role of religion in politics. What is its proper role?
What has been the tradition in the
January 20th
“Our Checkered Legacy”
Rev. Khleber Van Zandt
It might be easy to believe the Unitarian Universalist movement has always been on the side of justice as far as questions of race are concerned. But the real story is not always pretty. On this Martin Luther King, Jr., weekend we’ll explore our history of prejudice and progress, and look for glimmers of hope amidst the ashes.
“The Spirit of Leadership” Rev. Khleber Van Zandt
In A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, the late Edwin Friedman worried that the
Adult Religious Enrichment
Sunday mornings @
Childcare is available.
January 6th – Environmental Discussion: “Housing and Energy.” Discussion Leader: John Crawford.
January 13th – To Be Announced.
January 20th – Forum: “Is the Bible 'the Word of God’?” Even Presidential candidates are being asked whether they believe the Bible is “the Word of God.” One can also ask whether the Quran (or some other revered scripture) is “The Word of God.” Why would anyone think that a book is “The Word of God?” But doesn't a religious group need some kind of authority indicating what the group is committed to? Discussion Leader: Ron Glossop.
January 27th – A DVD Series: “From Jesus to Constantine: A History of Early Christianity.” Facilitator: Rev. Khleber Van Zandt.
Newsletter Deadline Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Editor AND to the Church office.
Email : Editor: Mary Johnson
To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt Email: Cell Phone:
First of all, our trip to
Once we got down south, the work seemed so overwhelming that I thought we wouldn’t be able to get anything accomplished - not enough tools on hand, not enough hands with expertise, not enough time for training those hands, but nowhere else to turn for help. As the days progressed, my concerns were proven wrong on all fronts. Tools appeared. Then untrained workers formed into teams and quickly picked up difficult skills. They shared tools effectively and pitched in wherever they were needed to get the job done. I couldn’t believe how much we were able to get done in the short time we were on site at the two houses we were assigned to help with. I will always be grateful to each of the people who went, but I especially will remember the kids: Amelia and Maggie helping to cut pieces of drywall, and Alex and Ian driving screws into it to install the pieces on the walls. (And the mile-high platter of crawfish Ian ate at the local restaurant was something to behold as well!) The second event occurred as Christmas approached in December. I was leaving church late one night after a Board of Trustees meeting when I had another unforgettable moment. The fog had rolled in off the river after dark and all the city lights were twinkling in the mist. As I turned and looked back up at the west side of our building, I heard what sounded like a brass duo begin to play a spirited rendition of The First Noël. I stood in the cold, taking in the scene.
I was not scared, of course - the music was not ghostly, but coming from
A tear came to my eye, and as I watched the lights shimmer and listened to the old tune, I thought about how blessed I am to be a part of First Unitarian Church of Alton.
Happy New Year to you and yours,
Mark Your Calendars A Quick Guide to this Month’s Happenings
Thurs., Jan.
3 – Anna Ds at
Thurs., Jan.
3 – Men’s Lunch at China House in
Thurs., Jan.
3 – Choir Practice –
6 – Committee Chair meeting (Program Council) at
8 – Board Meeting –
Jan. 12 – Knitting group –
Sun., Jan. 13 – 2nd Semester Teacher Training – after church Sun.,
Jan. 13 – Choir Practice –
Jan. 14 – Sierra Club –
Jan. 17 – Choir Practice –
Jan. 19 – Renegade Women Chalice Circle –
Jan. 20 – After service –
Jan. 22 – Men’s Chalice Circle –
Jan. 27 – Potluck lunch after services; Choir Practice –
Feb. 18 to
22 – Work Week in
don’t have to be able to attend each choir practice to join the choir.
Practice is held at
January’s rehearsals: Thurs., January 3rd Sun., January 13th Thurs., January 17th Sun., January 27th
Contact Willis McCoy for further information. |
Chalice Circles
The GLBT Chalice Group will be meeting the 1st and 3rd Sundays after church at Eliot Chapel in
Renegade Women
Saturday, January 19th –
Contact: Marcia Custer The Saturday afternoon Renegade Women’s
Third Sunday
Sunday, January 20th –
Church Contact: Sandy Shaner This is a “general” chalice circle welcoming all.
Parents Seeking
Sunday, January 20th –
Contact: Diane Thompson at or Cheryle Tucker-Loewe at
Tuesday, January 22nd –
Contact: Khleber Van Zandt . |
Men’s Lunch Group \
The men’s lunch group will meet on Thursday, January 3rd at
Director of the Center, acknowledges that our church’s contributions together with all the community support have been responsible for the success of this program. He states that without giving. Thank you for your donations.
Jen Politsch
Anna Ds
The January Meeting of the Anna D. Sparks Women's Alliance will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 3rd in the Riverbend Room at United Methodist Village 4601 Wesley Way, Godfrey, IL. All women in the church are invited to attend.
Lunch may be paid for at the reception desk at the cost of $6.50 per person. Menu choices will be from a selection of soups, salads and sandwiches available on that day. Please call or e-mail Lorna McElhone by Jan. 1st if you plan on attending.
Community Outreach
The collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays is given away to charitable causes. The money donated does not include pledge checks or monies otherwise earmarked by the giver. The Outreach Offering only includes “cash offerings” or checks indicating that they are to be included in the donated funds.
November’s community outreach offering of $375 was sent to the Unitarian Universalist Fellows
hip of Cape Girardeau, a new congregation. In December the offering went to the Oasis Women’s Center and the Crisis Food Pantry, along with the Christmas Eve offering to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.
In January the offering will go towards the
Sunday Potluck Lunch January 27th
Bring a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and fellowship!
A-Mc will do Table Set Up M-Z will do Clean Up
Photo Negatives are Missing
Audrey Wiseman writes that Virginia Russo is missing some of Joe Russo’s photo negatives that she prizes very much, and asks that if anyone knows where they are, or has an idea where they might be, that they get in touch with Audrey |
Happy Birthday
Most people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their birthday. Below is the list of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month. If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green ( and give her that information.
2 January – Alex Gross 3 January – Lisa Smithe 6 January – Annie Kellie 11 January – Glenn Brunner 12 January – Meredith Ray 25 January – Caleb Tucker-Loewe (2000) 25 January – Erin Herndon (1992) 26 January – Doug Leavell 30 January – Deb McNaughton
Attention Graduate Students
There is a $3,000 scholarship award for a UU woman, over 25 years old, working on professional graduate credentials in 2008-09. Write to the Women's
for application forms asap!
Please introduce yourselves to our newest members and add their names to your directory. (Addresses and phone numbers are not included in the online newsletter. Please check the printed copy at church for this information.)
Martha Arnold
Kate Whitaker
In Our Church Family
The sympathy of the congregation goes out to Stacey, Mark, Freya and Eowyn Wolff on the death of Stacey’s father, Logan Henry Betz, on
Davona Paul, a church member since 1950, fell in late November and sustained four fractures in her hip and leg.
She is recuperating at
Workshop to Focus on Congregations and the Environment
Caring for Creation by Going Green is the title of a Workshop sponsored by the United Congregations of Metro East (UCM) Alton Cluster, of which our church is an active member.
The workshop will examine the realities of global warming and consider appropriate individual, congregational, and community responses in advocating for environmental sustainability.
The workshop will be held on Saturday, February 9th from
Registration is at
Lunch is included in the $10 Workshop registration fee. Advance tickets can be purchased from Mary Johnson or Wayne Politsch. Tickets will not be available at the door. Seating is limited so if you’re interested in attending, get your ticket soon.
If you have questions about the Workshop please talk to Wayne or Mary. Flyers will be posted in the Wuerker Room. We hope that our church is well represented by attendees at the Workshop as its theme fits so well with our 7th Principle – “. . . respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” |
January 13 – 2nd semester Teacher Training after church.
January 27 – The RE Committee invites you to our monthly meeting to give feedback on the current RE curricula at the half-way point of the year. This will be held after the church service.
Please stop by the RE book hutch for all your Beacon Press and Skinner House Books needs.
Please remember to bring in your ink jet cartridges for recycling.
The knitting group will meet on Saturday, January 12th from
Recycling as Community Outreach
Lucy Bouton is now managing our recycling from the kitchen bins and she writes – “As a small contribution to our community outreach effort, we are now giving our used and rinsed soda cans to Joey – a well known figure in the
Dear Parents and Friends,
Who is your child’s Religious Educator? Many of you would, of course, answer that I am. After all my job title is Director of Religious Education. Others may answer that it is the classroom teachers who are actually doing the Religious Educating of your children, since they are the ones who are in the classrooms week after week with your child. While we do participate in the Religious Education of the children of the church, I would contend that as with most areas in life you are doing far more of the Religious Education of your child than anyone else.
The teachers and I are only with your children for 52 hours a year, and that assumes perfect attendance. There is only so much that can actually be imparted in that amount of time, and part of that time is spent on the process of building a community of Unitarian Universalist Children. While that time is very important, and a lot of knowledge is imparted this way, you are the only ones that can share your personal religious values with your child.
How can this be accomplished? Whenever you are in the process of “Living out your Faith,” share this with your child. Explain why it is you do what you do, and how you feel that you are living as a Unitarian Universalist. It is only through this kind of “Faith in Action” that our children will truly see what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist adult.
We have a great advantage in our religion that we are able to choose for ourselves what exactly it means for us to be a Unitarian Universalist, and speaking as a parent as well as a professional Religious Educator, it is very important and exciting for me to pass this freedom of thought and conscience onto my children as well as yours.
Thank you, Jamie Gross |
Louisiana Work Trip
Volunteers Needed! Last February the church sent a group of volunteers to New Iberia Parish, LA.
We worked with Southern Mutual Help Association rebuilding houses damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Everyone who went found the experience rewarding and moving.
There was also plenty of time to enjoy the culture and food of the
We will be returning to
No experience in construction is necessary, only a willingness to work hard. Children and youth are welcome. SMHA will provide a place for us to stay, with cooking and laundry facilities. If you plan to come with us, or have questions, contact Kevin McCarthy at Those that would like to volunteer should fill out an online profile at SMHA's web site and send it directly to SMHA. |
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